Example sentences of "[conj] i have [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And my magic wrought true — for it was into your time I came , to Starr Hills , where I had walked four hundred years before ; and coming to meet me was a man who asked me simply if I were a mermaid , for he had seen me walking out of the sea . ’
2 He did n't tip me , but placed the ferrule carefully inside the wallet , and then politely asked me who I was , and fulsomely , where I had learnt such excellent French .
3 I was surging down Sunset Boulevard : purely on impulse I hung a left near Scheldt 's , where I 've seen these sweet little black chicks parading in tiny pastel running-shorts …
4 where I 've put that
5 Oxford led me back to Nottingham : whilst at St Antony 's I came across some pamphlets published by Spokesman — the imprint of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd , where I have spent nine of the last twelve years .
6 and leave you free to do a job , because you may think I mean , believe it or I 've turned this room inside out today !
7 Have a nice weekend , keep on taking the pills yeah well you know what it 's like y'know there 'll be so many people dying for this to fail well they do n't know what 's going on but but all they 'll get is one call interception which says I ca n't get through I ca n't get through , or I 've tried this number and it does n't work and blah you know usual thing but right I must keep on taking the Buffalo Bills .
8 She said they 've all come to work oh I 've won a prize I 've got a car or I 've won this that and the other .
9 If she or I had taken more trouble I might have been convinced that all religious people were cruel hypocrites .
10 If either Karen or I had had any idea that it was possible for someone to drown so quickly , we would no doubt have thrown caution to the wind and dived in .
11 Needless to say Lord Elphinstone did not hesitate to respond to the challenge and rallied his friends , while at the same time pointedly expressing his hope , when writing to the duke , that ‘ neither my friend or I have done any thing to deserve your Grace 's withdrawing your friendship , interest & protection ’ .
12 Once again I would stress that neither my client nor I have made any approach to the company apart from this letter .
13 I could n't go back to work although I had tried several times and socializing was no fun at all .
14 Although I 've presented this training programme with specific work-outs on specific days , it is the work-out sequence that is important , not the days of the week .
15 He says : ‘ Although I 've played next to no club rugby , I 've got lots of big match experience through playing in all the age-group teams England now run . ’
16 ‘ I 'm almost completely English , you know , apart from the name , although I 've lived most of my life in France .
17 ‘ Yes , although I 've experienced severe tremors in other places .
18 I mean I may have been being a bit naive as a general sort of , just a rep within NALGO , I 'm not I 'm not , although I 've had all the publicity , and yes I 'm , sometimes you do not the course .
19 Although I have heard many a Christian sermon that was implicitly dualist , the orthodox Christian position on this is quite clear .
20 Provided you have a fair left hand reach it 's possible to play this without a capo , although I have seen many people play it either with one at the 2nd fret , or without one by transposing the part down to E …
21 Although I have expected similar signs , our commissionings have on the whole been quiet affairs , at least until 1990 .
22 Although I have described two applications of lasers in nuclear physics there are many others , and the number continues to increase as laser technology advances .
23 ‘ Now that I 've seen these , I 'm very glad I did . ’
24 One interesting side-effect of all this is that I 've seen more of Britain than I ever did before , albeit through the windows of an armoured car .
25 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and erm it was the first one I went to , but I must say that of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I 've felt most erm comfortable and happy in .
26 ‘ It 's only recently that I 've felt able to write about him , but the controversy about Down 's Syndrome babies has brought it all to the surface .
27 I feel that we need now new blood on the committee , and coupled with the fact that I 've done one one more year than the constitution says I should , I 'm not standing for reelection as Chairman .
28 I think you 're , you 're often asked to do reactive tasks when I 've done all my tasks , you know I 've got all my staff doing this , and then I 've got to help down on the shopfloor , and it 's not that I 'm doing something that I 'm , you know , I should be doing as a manager , it 's that I 've done all of mine , and I 'm going out to give them a hand .
29 I knew that I 've gotten some , some of it
30 But on the other hand I do n't want to wake up with horror one day when I find that I 've lost all my physical abilities because I was n't taking too much care of them and observing .
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