Example sentences of "[conj] i be like that " in BNC.

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1 when I first came when I first came , that was the one thing that I was like that was the fact that that I might be pushed that way whereas I only
2 ‘ But just between you and me and SHE magazine , her Majesty and I are like that , ‘ said Dame Edna , indicating a royal chumminess that went beyond mere Commonwealth ties .
3 I used to take them every day and I was like that right , and then what I used to do on a Sunday I would n't take one cos I used to think right I like my Sunday dinner and I will never give up my Sunday dinner when I 'm dieting right
4 Look at that time my dad did that lady over there and left me on the phone and told me to stay there and I was like that .
5 no I 'm not no when I am I ca n't eat anything , if I was like that I just could n't bear to be even in the same room as anybody who 's eating , so no the urge of chocolate is possibly to do with fat
6 I 've now made single handedly cos I 'm like that single handed !
7 Cos I 'm like that !
8 Er actually that 's , the , the position becomes important , you see that would n't present a problem because I was like that
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