Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] see you " in BNC.

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1 I suffered agonies of suspense in silence , for I never knew when or where I would see you again , or whether she would be with you .
2 ‘ All of you get out where I can see you , ’ shouted Hitch .
3 I merely want to keep you where I can see you while I dress more in accordance with entertaining an unexpected caller .
4 ‘ Do you have to sit where I can see you ? ’ he demanded .
5 ‘ It 's a damn good job you do n't , laddie , or I could see you being hauled up before the old man . ’
6 ‘ I prayed that I would see you again , ’ he said , ‘ so I could ask the question I should have asked five years ago .
7 But , we 'll take it that I 'll see you , not next week , but the week after .
8 ‘ Yes , now that I can see you better , I can say that you are a decidedly pretty girl , even if the cat has eaten your tongue . ’
9 You did n't know that I could see you , did you ?
10 So I 'll see you Monday , then ? ’
11 ‘ Anyway , I 'll call in at The Randolph , so I 'll see you soon . ’
12 Outside the cage the photographer 's saying : ‘ When you jump , spread your arms and legs so I can see you . ’
13 And I 'll see you tomorrow at work , ’ Susan said to Maggie .
14 You can sit in front of me , and I 'll see you do n't fall off .
15 ‘ Come along next Tuesday and I 'll see you are enrolled , ’ she said .
16 ‘ Say that to anyone else , ’ Short muttered without looking up from his fried egg , ‘ and I 'll see you in court . ’
17 And I 'll see you next month …
18 Now get to bed , and I 'll see you in the morning . ’
19 And I 'll see you again .
20 Thanks ever so much folks and I 'll see you
21 Here 's the address , and I 'll see you sometime tomorrow with the stuff . ’
22 ‘ You can borrow the car and I 'll see you in the office later to go over the VAT files . ’
23 It pleased him to see the shock his words delivered , and before David could protest , he lied , ‘ You 've been a help to me since my old bones went crook , and I 'll see you get your dues when the time comes .
24 And I 'll see you Wednesday . ’
25 And I 'll see you at the Ritz at one .
26 Have a good time — and I 'll see you at lunch . ’
27 So bye and I 'll see you when you 're back I guess .
28 and I 'll see you later .
29 and I 'll see you goodbye .
30 Thanks very much for your time it 's five o'clock have a nice evening and I 'll see you in the morning .
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