Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I finished my list of demands and took it to the Branch Office , where I received something of a hero 's welcome .
2 I then went to Coventry Belgrade for six months , where I did everything from Malcolm in Macbeth to the play Charlie 's Aunt .
3 Looking back on the elements I have enumerated — of change , internationalism and achievement — I do not find it so surprising that I chose an industrial career , although I knew nothing of all this when I joined ICI .
4 Although I remained something of an outsider to the M.I.T. philosophy as it was at that time , I carried something of this arrogance back to England with me .
5 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
6 You wo n't accept that I knew nothing about the drugs , yet you want my word ?
7 You refuse to accept that I knew nothing about the drugs .
8 Not that I knew anything about the area of course .
9 It was not that I was so self-blind that I saw nothing to be learnt .
10 It was n't until my second year that I told anything like the truth about my father .
11 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
12 While he was out I had rewritten my will so that I left nothing to my ex .
13 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
14 Automatically I checked that I had plenty of fuel myself .
15 Assuming now that I was aware of one or two facts of which you , my dear , could not be , assuming that I had something of importance to communicate to Michel , would you still stick to your stubborn refusal ? ’
16 Thank God he did n't know what I was sure of , that I felt everything as if through a mattress .
17 ‘ I was so wrapped up in my own performances that I needed someone with experience to help .
18 I felt that I needed someone to be with me all day and all night .
19 how d you know yeah , you 're telling me now that I missed something in eighty seven .
20 My disability makes this rather a slow process , so I had plenty of time .
21 ‘ I 'd spent two years at Stanford University Press , so I knew something about price ceilings . ’
22 I thought the best thing to do was spare Oliver 's blushes , so I murmured something about getting off to work .
23 The males started fighting , so I moved one to another tank , leaving two females with one male .
24 I was convinced that the law would back us , so I found someone at a local law centre and she confirmed it , so we went back .
25 There were very few human beings I cared for and I cared nothing for cactuses .
26 and I got one on the C's .
27 I have n't had a jelly for ages and I got one from Sainsbury 's .
28 I bought Amanda a card yesterday cos she was a bit down so I thought , oh I 'll send her one a card , and I got one from .
29 I do not know who told her that the doctors had refused to meet her and I heard nothing from her until after a first meeting when what came to be known as the Goodman Plan was presented to the government and the doctors had convened at Downing Street .
30 one thing you 've got to watch out for apar I go I remember I , I was thinking about getting colour monitors for work and I read lots of articles about them
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