Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At 5pm that day I went along to Anouska Hempel 's very individual and attractive showroom at 2 Pond Place , Chelsea , where I saw her really lovely couture collection , for which she derived the inspiration from Eastern Europe .
2 PS JOANNE … could you send me your fax number again if you still need the telegraph thing , the number you gave before is wrong — or I copied it down wrong .
3 ‘ I was always drifting off and losing myself in my head , which I suppose is no different to anyone else except I carried it further , wrote it all down . ’
4 Now going back to this handicraft , although I said I really did n't want to be committed to all the meetings , I 'm quite happy to carry on with the handicraft , providing you do n't expect me to turn up at every meeting .
5 But although I chose it virtually at random , this does not make it ‘ typical ’ , any more than the horrific Bihar gaol described by Sinha ( 1978 ) in which 143 people had died within three years .
6 John explained in a programme note that he had tried ‘ to get the robustness of the early eighteenth century as well as the extremely mannered movements of the period ’ and , although I saw it once only , memory suggests that he succeeded to good effect .
7 I did n't think too much about this at the time , although I knew they usually only had money for their ‘ little pleasures ’ after they 'd done the washing and pawned it .
8 Although I knew I probably should n't , I could n't help looking as he rummaged through the marvellous things in the cupboard .
9 Although I loved him dearly , he was a bit of a rascal and liked the drink far too much .
10 I like the self- portrait by him at 21 , although I found it quite depressing , he was only 21 and it 's absolutely fabulous !
11 This study might appear one sided with more detail about ‘ Anna Karenina ’ but I think it is inevitable and although I found it quite hard to compare such different styles , I enjoyed reading and studying both .
12 Again , although I visited her regularly , taking little presents ; remembered her birthday and saw to it that her sons did the same ; looked after her once when she was ill ; and respected my husband 's love for her , I did not take much notice of her suggestions : ‘ My mother seems to think …
13 It was years later that I realised I really would have to tackle it , but I found it was much easier than I had expected .
14 I am not sure now if I ever proceeded to knock ; it is quite possible , given the alarming nature of what I heard , that I judged it best to withdraw altogether .
15 Then I saw Mr Shepherd — and he looked so — so strange that I kissed him too . ’
16 ‘ I would have thought that I knew him fairly well , but in writing the lyrics I found depths I had never contemplated . ’
17 ‘ Why have I always felt that I knew you before ? ’
18 And , though I hate to admit it , the fact that I saw him differently was Sophie 's doing .
19 I had tried hard to destroy all feelings of love for him , but now that I saw him again , I could not stop myself loving him .
20 It was n't until much later that I saw it metaphorically .
21 But I feel I should return just a moment to the matter of my father ; for it strikes me I may have given the impression earlier that I treated him rather bluntly over his declining abilities .
22 I remember that she asked me to guess what was inside a sort of pasty served to her on Thásos , and that I got it right at the first guess : macaroni .
23 Its complete lack of any taste was so nauseating that I spat it out and decided to eat the rest of the bread by itself I was finishing this when there was the sound of boots in the passage again .
24 ‘ She was so bad that I thought it well to have oxygen administered ; this I procured from Blake , Edgar 's .
25 When I spoke I made it clear that I intended to do something about the position of the ‘ early leavers ’ and that I thought it right that people should not suffer if they transferred their pension from one job to another .
26 She thought , Now he 'll say what he was going to say last night , except that I made it hard for him , I was so unloving , so unresponsive .
27 I 'm sorry that I told you now .
28 But I accidentally hit Jason full on the jaw so hard that I knocked him over .
29 Er , I am mindful chairman that I embarrassed you acutely at the end of education meeting on Friday , erm , and I know that I , I have a circumstance coming up in February , where I have a child who is unexpectedly on a training day , erm , on a day where I actually have two meetings of this council , now either I get substituted , or we arrange for a one off carer situation .
30 But you must believe that I kept you here not because I wanted to , but because I believed it my duty to those whom God ( or , well , the Company anyway ) has placed in my care .
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