Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb past] be to " in BNC.

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1 This school looked so much bigger than the other two primary schools that I had been to .
2 And I 'd been to As I tell you , I 'd been to night school , joinery classes .
3 He asked me if I 'd been to Eton , but seemed more or less satisfied when I told him I was educated at Cheltenham Ladies ’ College .
4 When she 'd calmed down she asked me if I 'd been to the doctors , and we made arrangements for her to take me down .
5 Then I began to go to the temple and I did n't go to Sunday school any more , because I had been to the seaside lots and lots of times — the same one every time .
6 Though I 'd visited the family in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi , it had been two years since I 'd been to their camp on the Gulf .
7 The morning after I had been to this party at the Spanish Embassy , I received an invitation from the Spanish Ambassador and Señora Puig de la Bellacasa to go to their Farewell Party .
8 Some days after I 'd been to the supermarket for the week 's shopping I 'd be smashed , there 'd be nothing left .
9 Well , I dropped in one evening , a summer evening it was , as I recall it , after I 'd been to dinner at the Chelsea Arts Club and I felt in urgent need of a little female company .
10 Somebody asked me years after I 'd been to college if it was still there .
11 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
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