Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] them a " in BNC.

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1 After he left it occurred to me that Harrington and Lewis might also find my effort useful , so I took them a copy .
2 There were a lot of young drunks staggering about , too — most at that noisy and unattractive stage where they might want to be your pal or pick a fight or just throw up on you , so I gave them a wide berth .
3 I was scared of them but I was n't going to let them get away so I gave them a good run for their money .
4 They usually need to be cooked and I use them a great deal with beans and in Mexican dishes , slicing them before cooking .
5 And Iain — and Alastair , of course , and your father , if he will come so far. , ‘ I will come so far , ’ Sandy McGlashan proclaimed from six rungs up the ladder , ‘ and I willing them a song of William Ross 's to send them on their away .
6 And I make sure that I 'm here and I open up for them , and I make them a cup of tea .
7 And they , the company wrote back and said it 's so much a policy and looks reasonable and I sent them a bloody cheque you see
8 In fact , I only met one decorator … a young couple wanted to buy a piece and I offered them a discount as they had n't got a decorator - at which she drew herself up and said : ‘ We are not married .
9 And I offered them a fiver to pay o for the van but they did n't take it .
10 I was put on the road with Lynyrd Skynyrd when they thought I was getting too big for my DMs , but they were real wild men and I liked them a lot and we got on very well . ’
11 My legs are warm and I give them a feel .
12 Well he , he said if they , if , if , some , get a visitor in and I give them a cup of coffee well that 's all right , but I do n't know if it 's money or , or like maybe , maybe .
13 And er I so so I brought her and her three friends that she 'd run , chummed about with them and I give them a good talking to for about an hour .
14 And then , all I 've done is worked out some time management and say well if these guys turn up at half past eight every morning and I give them a break at ten o'clock , and they get a lunch break and then in afternoon , another break , and they finish at half past four , if everything goes to plan , by four o'clock Friday , my van should be backing up at the end of the production line to load itself up with a thousand widgets .
15 shepherds pie yesterday and I did them a few chips with it as well .
16 I said to them it was placing the team and the ARFU in a terrible situation and I gave them a 5.30 pm deadline otherwise the tour was off .
17 We concluded by singing the carol O Come all ye Faithful and I gave them a blessing .
18 She has got in ( and out of ) problems with drugs , alcohol and a quasi-religious cult : ’ I was brainwashed and I gave them an enormous amount of money , ’ she says with a shrug .
19 At Oxford I discovered that most people were only too willing to be friendly if I gave them a chance .
20 If I gave them an order to couple up a full line of maybe ten coaches , I would n't take it for granted that they 'd done it , I 'd walk up the coach , one walk up one side , down the other side and I would n't If there were a heating valve not open , if they forgot that you see , I would n't do it for them , I would go back and I 'd say , that S K third from the back end , the heating valve is not pulled down , you 've missed it , you 'd better When you 're up that way , just pull it down you see .
21 The only way people will trust me is if I give them a signed piece of paper with my address on . ’
22 They said they would not let my back into the village until I got them a ration card and some wheat .
23 But I give them a so then I saw Mrs on Tuesday when I was at Ashington .
24 I said I was n't sure , but I gave them a phone number which I knew to be Nassim 's office above a leather warehouse in Brick Lane .
25 quickly wipe it up while I get them a drink darling .
26 that do explain a little bit about Abbey Life products and also have a copy of as well erm they might find that of help before I give them a call .
27 For those who are wondering why I have this set-up , the three were introduced at a small size when I thought them a male and two females ; and I am unwilling to upset a settled pair by unnecessarily removing the decor and setting two with a net !
28 My eyes were shut most of the time now as I blundered round the park and when I opened them a red mist swirled .
29 When I gave them a grenade they had n't found , I got another kick .
30 and when I gave them a questionnaire saying how would you label someone as gay they said , we never make those kind of assumptions .
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