Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Not that I can say either Derek or I have ever had any problems in the Bedroom Compartment .
2 Up until the age of 33 , I managed to push this turmoil to the back of my mind , although I 'd always had trouble with relationships because I was so full of self-doubt , and succeeded in destroying any relationship that seemed to be leading anywhere .
3 Then , although I 'd never had any morning sickness , I began to feel pain after I 'd eaten . ’
4 And although I have since had my own shows in West End galleries in London , the excitement of being part of the Summer Exhibition has never worn thin .
5 I knit on a Brother 891 with ribber mainly , although I do also have a Passap Duo 80 .
6 ‘ It may interest you to know that I 've just had Mr Standish on the phone .
7 That I 've only had
8 Not that I 've ever had the slightest sympathy from you .
9 ‘ I 've been lucky in that I 've always had pace , but the regular training and coaching I 've had at Wigan has made me stronger and faster . ’
10 Apart from that I 've never had a day 's illness in my life ; never been in bed a whole day .
11 ‘ I must admit , though , that I 've never had a lady go to sleep on me before . ’
12 But I was glad that I 'd finally had sex — it was a way of proving that my parents and Uncle Joe had n't destroyed my life .
13 I remember waking up in the middle of the night with a big smile on my face , feeling really pleased with myself , thinking that I 'd just had a wet dream .
14 Not that I 'd actually had nightmares about that .
15 But then you picked me up , and you made me your mission — and in spite of everything that I 'd lost , I gained something that I 'd never had before .
16 You know I 'm , in some ways you know I 'm so glad I 've never had like well before you know it used to bother me that I 'd never had a long-term relationship and that
17 I did not expect another career , since I felt that I had already had one , but in the event I found not only that , but a fascinating path through life that my original naval calling could not possibly have produced .
18 and that I think really have more of an influence , cos they 're not going to change themselves into an individual
19 In the period that I mentioned there have been substantial further job losses in the coal industry and some further job losses in the steel industry .
20 These tests established exactly what they had done before ; namely that I did indeed have an exceptionally accurate visual memory .
21 I 'm sure he 's going to be fine , but I think I 'll have to make it clear that I did actually have a life before he came along , and I do n't particularly want to do everything with him !
22 Draft a letter to my council , Nicholas , notifying them that I have already had the news of the action at Pilleth , and asking them to send out orders for the knights and squires of all the midland counties to meet me at Lichfield , fully prepared , mounted and arrayed for war , by the seventh day of July .
23 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
24 ‘ THE most disheartening thing is that I have always had a really strong idea about what I want the group to be and I 'm not very good at relating to people who think that their version of what my group should be is more important than mine , ’ complains Stuart Adamson , singer/guitarist with Big Country .
25 So far I have been lucky in that I have never had to work at getting the next job but there may be a point when I look up and there is no opportunity around the corner . ’
26 Were the internal stat to ham on ( not that I have ever had this problem with the Uno internal , but I was a Girl Guide ! ) then 200 watts would not be enough to cause serious ( if any ) overheating in such a large tank .
27 Then I went through a stage that was absolutely fantastic , the most beautiful , peaceful , calm feeling that I have ever had .
28 I stand with the phone in my hand , remembering that I have still had no lunch .
29 ‘ You mentioned it during one of our first meetings so I 've always had a hankering to see how they 've done it .
30 There was no point having an arm with a gun attached to it , so I decided just to have the gun itself , rather like a tank . ’
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