Example sentences of "[conj] i [modal v] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Speak up , girl , or I 'll have Roberts throw you out . "
2 ‘ Madam , get your son to the telephone at once or I will have Officer Cecil give you a good poking with his over-sized weapon . ’
3 Or I could have lychees .
4 I said some days ago that I would have difficulty er assisting you in making the choice for for some obvious reasons .
5 ) At school , so that I would have time to practise two hours a day , by the age of 15 , I had been allowed to drop Latin ( Greek did not at any point arise ) and Maths .
6 The family could not speak English and my schoolboy French was almost exhausted so I bade them good afternoon but managed to make them understand that I would have dinner with them one evening soon — ‘ An English dinner . ’
7 A more important point lurks here that I shall have cause to return to later : there is a tension in Minsky 's accounts of these matters between an emphasis on hierarchical organization ( the supreme organizer , or Simon 's modular watchmaker would be paradigms of that ) , and another on heterarchical organization .
8 And I mun that I must have words in front of me , if I do n't have words in front of me even though I know it , I I still forget it .
9 As English Captain I am obviously delighted that I will have access one more time to the cream of the young talent who will turn pro in 1992 and in the future .
10 I feel excited when I come up with something that I can have Jack to help me with , I 'm always ready to hear what he has .
11 And actually , one day , because she knew it was my favourite , she said that I could have permission to have it copied and gave me the name of the jeweller , which I thought was so sweet .
12 Oh Dave , my journey , running about early in the morning to leave everything tidy for the chaps , came out without anything inside their tum , provided that I could have coffee on the , in the buffet car on the train from Stow Market , no hot drinks madam , we have n't got enough power in the batteries , I thought well you know it 's all , we got to Liverpool Street on time
13 It needs a very large orchestra and I needed a lot of rehearsals so that I could have time to explain the piece fully to the orchestra .
14 I catapulted the tiny beasts across the creek and into the mud on the far side so that I could have funerals .
15 It is typical of my childishness to suppose Pa meant that I should have ice cream — today .
16 Eliot was worried that I should have money troubles with Lewis , and in this he was right .
17 It seems important that I should have links , in developing links you ought to see that as part of our agenda .
18 I had a lot less hassle walking around Tripoli , than I would have walking around Athens , for example .
19 The cottage is rather cosy , and I 'm busy on a new story , so I 'll have plenty to do even if the weather 's bad .
20 and I 'll have Judy do it .
21 And they 're all starch , they 're all potatoes and I 'll have egg and chips and bread and more bread .
22 You and I 'll have dinner together then .
23 A couple of clients had called me , and I would have time to talk to them in the morning ; and I had an invitation to a golf society day in a couple of weeks ' time .
24 Any more of this , thought Helen , and I shall have doubts as to who I am , like Alice .
25 It interests me , and I shall have pleasure taking it apart and examining its secrets . ’
26 ‘ I shall hang it in the kitchen for a week , ’ she said , ‘ and then you can go out for the evening and I will have bread sauce and fried breadcrumbs , and game chips and red currant jelly and watercress and pheasant . ’
27 And I will have justice done this day ! ’
28 You and I could have breakfast in bed , Ellen .
29 On the but she said erm that she were going away and I could work , cos the lessons finish on a sa start up there on a Thursday , she said , if I work Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday and I could have Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday off .
30 Then she asked me if I would have ice in it .
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