Example sentences of "[conj] was [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I was heavily pregnant we lived in one room that was infested with red ants .
2 He was dressed in weather-stained leather that was decorated with scarlet and yellow thread , and there was a slim sword hanging from his hip .
3 The rider wore a gilded Grecian helmet that was crested with black and red wool and plumed with a white tuft .
4 For this purpose , three special diets were prepared from a standard diet that was supplemented with oleic or linoleic acid or eicosapentaenoic acid .
5 It was cooler and very quiet in the wood that was tangled with old huge trees .
6 His toneless voice caught fire and was blessed with new colour and depth .
7 This was announced at our February meeting and was met with great approval from the fifty or so members present .
8 This was a sense of order that had to be worked hard for and was created with considerable effort .
9 The window was not wide and was fitted with secondary double glazing .
10 He threw himself into the making of ITV series Travelling Man and was rewarded with huge success in the ratings .
11 In the centre the earth had been laid bare and was scored with long scratches and furrows , and there was a narrow , regular hole , about the same size as one of the carrots they had carried that morning .
12 The earth had been laid bare and was scored with long scratches and furrows .
13 The consultative paper was widely circulated and was received with mixed feelings .
14 Of course his office overlooked the harbour and was hung with enlarged photographs of yachts and of sailing occasions .
15 The king also had power when he died and therefore the Ba became connected with death in a somewhat different form and was linked with private individuals form the end of the Old Kingdom .
16 The inference is that the ritual remained as a memory in the Middle Ages , if not in actuality , and was linked with historical personages to give it a little more authenticity .
17 Malcolm 's oldest son ( by his first wife ) , Duncan , had lived in England probably for twenty years , and was associated with Anglo-Norman culture ; there was almost certainly a reaction also against Margaret ( who died within a week ) , her sons , whom Donald exiled , and English immigrants .
18 He executed two statues of apostles for the chapel of St James of Compostella in Paris between 1319 and 1324 and was associated with other English craftsmen working in northern France and for the papal court at Avignon .
19 Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone was increased ( mean [ SD ] 32.7 [ 10.1 ] mU/L ; range 4.4–75 ; normal <4 ) 3–39 months after the last dose of I-MIBG , and was associated with subnormal serum free thyroxine in 8 of 9 subjects and with overt clinical manifestations ( myxoedema , growth deceleration ) in 2 .
20 It became quite clear that the less immediately obvious tendency to back /a/ , which had also been observed , was a much more regular process and was associated with young ( chiefly male ) speakers .
21 Despite these encouraging results this technique was not widely adopted because it proved time consuming , generally insensitive , did not localise the neoplastic lesion , and was associated with false positive results .
22 By contrast , the scene in ET The Extra-Terrestrial ( 1982 , NA $228.6 million ) where ET and the children ride their bicycles off the ground and across the sky is clearly fantasy and was accomplished with two-foot-high ( 60-cm ) models , using computer-controlled 3-D animation .
23 I tiptoed on to the plane , hardly breathed while I was on it , and was conveyed with utmost speed to my usual resting place at the Pierre Hotel .
24 It differed from the Mk 5 in having no armament and was equipped with British sonobuoys and equipment , whereas the Mk 5 was fitted with American gear .
25 Yrtle himself fell in battle and was buried with great honour .
26 The Comintern worked predictably but with difficulty to establish control over the recalcitrant comrades in both factions but was faced with firm opposition from those who did not wish to see Korean communism become a minor branch of the world communist movement directed by Moscow .
27 Two decades ago , Strahler tried valiantly to infuse a genetic approach into the subject but was greeted with meagre response …
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