Example sentences of "[conj] is [vb pp] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The pool costs about £10,500 plus VAT installed , or is supplied for £8,800 plus VAT for d-i-y installation .
2 ‘ It is important that we do not use one penny of money that is earmarked for patient care , ’ he added .
3 Regulations now in force put health and safety duties on the original supplier of equipment that is leased for use at work , rather than on the lessor ( p 114 ) .
4 Anything that is done for shock value has no future because it 's done for the moment .
5 The role that is suggested for PR is a far-reaching one , involving communication with large numbers of people .
6 The Soil Association 's symbol is the consumer 's only guarantee that the food being offered for sale is truly organic and worth the premium that is demanded for foods produced in this way .
7 The acceptance of a contract which sets out detailed conditions of service , hours worked and parents met is unlikely to provide the flexibility that is required for schools to respond quickly , humanely and sympathetically to family needs .
8 The long term view that is required for mineral exploitation means that planning permissions have generally been given for a working with a long life commonly not less than fifteen years , and , on occasion , up to sixty years .
9 Every nutrient that is required for energy , growth , repair , health , breeding and normal species behaviour can only be obtained from a diet that is balanced ; and there are many examples of things that go wrong when even traces of certain minerals are deficient in the diet .
10 Here Goldmann is opening the question that is closed for Marx and Lukács ; is science merely a form of ideology ?
11 Instead , the level of judicial training that is provided for Crown Court judges , as for magistrates , is fairly rudimentary , consisting of a three-day seminar for new recruits , and a refresher seminar every five years once they are permanently appointed .
12 Does not the Minister agree that it will be a travesty if the same formula is used this year and my constituents are therefore robbed of much more money that is needed for health in the area ?
13 The price that is paid for flexibility is complexity .
14 On the other hand , there are various time deposits that earn interest in banks , building societies and the National Savings Bank which are used by the public as an alternative means of holding money that is used for expenditure purposes .
15 The application maintains a database of management and configuration information that is used for batch process management requests , preventing configuration errors and adding new systems .
16 Clearly , a plant which stores 1 tonne less than is required for notification slips through the net , while large numbers of handling sites ( warehouses , for instance ) are not covered .
17 The effect is small , develops gradually , is blocked by Ca 2+ channel antagonists , and requires stronger tetanic stimulation for its induction than is needed for NMDA receptor-dependent LTP .
18 His note on the beast of Chapter Seventeen of Revelation , the beast which does n't exist and still has to appear and is destined for perdition , is ‘ generalhuman ’ — the word he coined for Notes from Underground and incidentally never used again in his fiction .
19 The wooden machinery is driven by an undershot waterwheel , and is operated for visitors on some afternoons in summer , producing wholewheat flour by the traditional method between two pairs of millstones .
20 All in all , the company believes it is in good shape and is positioned for growth .
21 The ‘ amateur ’ athlete who has travel expenses to meetings paid by sponsors and is compensated for loss of earnings , has market value to promoters and is an integral part of a market economy .
22 The first will be a workshop on strategy for media education in the South Pacific and is scheduled for October .
23 Harrer 's new book will be called The Book of the Eiger , and is scheduled for release by Hodder and Stoughton in August .
24 This is being redressed in version 5.87 , which has a complete new expression engine inside and is scheduled for release next month .
25 DataGate is available on IBM 's RS/6000s and is scheduled for release September 1993 — no prices are available .
26 DataGate will initially be available on IBM Corp 's RS/6000s and is scheduled for release September — no prices are available .
27 The 150MHz Alpha-based personal computer will be a tower system and is scheduled for introduction the end of May .
28 According to IBM , DFS — which enables an assortment of files on a network to look and act as if they were local — is up and running in the labs and is scheduled for beta test by the end of the first quarter .
29 The company 's sixth semiconductor wafer fabrication operation , it is code-named Fab-6 , and is scheduled for completion in 1994 , and manufacturing of Alpha in sub-0.5 micron geometries will start in 1996 .
30 Although the work has medical and therapeutic origins , it has been developed as a regular part of the Medau method of physical education and is intended for people of any age who are in normal health .
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