Example sentences of "[conj] it was he who " in BNC.

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1 Even when , halfway through the morning he broke out with , ‘ Well , there 's no need for you to keep on and on about the table , ’ I did not point out that I had said nothing , that it was he who was ‘ going on and on about it ’ inside himself .
2 There was , however , a senior general , Catroux , representing the Free French in Egypt at the time , and it is more probable that it was he who interviewed Stirling .
3 The trust is invalid on several counts : no property has been bequeathed to the curator so the principle of benefit is infringed ; if the curator had been validly appointed , which he has not , then he would be able to exercise some control over the foster-child 's use of the land ; but even then , since he would not be owner , it would be a problem that it was he who was charged with the trust for distributing shares in the income from the land .
4 ‘ Well if it eats half as well as a salmon , I shall be 'appy , ’ grinned Lofty , subtly reminding the others that it was he who had found the fish .
5 What he characteristically does not say is that it was he who kept the Pythons together .
6 When questioned , Mason , the carpenter , agreed that it was he who had raised the flag , but said that he had done so because he had been prematurely informed of the relief of Mafeking .
7 To assert that the knave of hearts was the person who stole the tarts is not to assert that one believes that it was he who stole them .
8 They treated him like one of them , complimenting him on his astuteness , until he began to genuinely believe that it was he who had selected Node Check , that he was an expert on account trading before he 'd learned anything about the stock market in general .
9 He told her things she had not known about him — good things , acts of generosity — it came out that it was he who had got Simon on to my pictures , the Douanier and the Gris ; he had practically given them to him .
10 Rumour had it that it was he who brought it to the attention of Chamberlain , who became President of the Board of Trade at the same time as Plimsoll left the House , that numbers of lives lost at sea , after falling as a result of the Load Line Act , were now again on the increase .
11 Shinwell believed to his dying day that it was he who had been the intended target of French 's bullet .
12 On her return she knew that it was he who had plucked the sting but she was afraid that too demonstrative a show of gratitude might be misinterpreted .
13 Just for a second , for one brief surprising second , the old man admitted to himself that it was he who had created this pitiful excuse for a man , and his conscience , that bothersome thing which he had buried long ago , rose to haunt him .
14 The music is lost , but Cavalieri 's contemporaries agree that it was he who , as Peri put it in the preface to his Euridice ( 1600 ) , ‘ before anyone else made our music ’ ( i.e. the ‘ nuova maniera di canto ’ ) ‘ heard on the stage ’ .
15 There was the suspicion , too , that it was he who had arranged for us to be followed on our arrival in Lima , may even have planned our death by that gully on the old road up to the pass .
16 What was more , Fox was satisfied that the presence of Alfred 's fresh prints on the damaged articles was convincing evidence that it was he who had carried out the destruction .
17 Meanwhile the pretence was maintained that Oliver was eager to pick up his bag and walk out , that it was he who was putting an end to things .
18 There was no proof that it was he who had taken the necklace .
19 This is confused : it was Robert who went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem , dying on the return journey in 1035 , and Ralph Glaber says clearly that it was he who married and divorced Estrith .
20 In the family Shanta married into , the head of the family was her husband 's cousin , and it was he who made the rules :
21 Lewis was the presiding genius ; the meeting took place in his rooms and it was he who chose the moment to ask if anyone present had any work in progress which they wanted to read aloud .
22 In the time of the Labour Government the Chief Secretary had been Joel Barnett and it was he who had forced Barbara Castle into her major and controversial changes .
23 Then she ran to find Ferdinando to tell him and they embraced and it was he who said , ‘ She is an angel ! ’ of Mrs Browning and Wilson realised she had expressed not a word of gratitude .
24 But it was too late in the day to get Hungary out of its Axis alliances and it was he who annexed Ruthenia and negotiated the Vienna Award of August 1940 , by which Hitler gave back to Hungary half of Transylvania , including the old regional capital of Kolozsvár ( Cluj ) .
25 He grew up hating any form of bloodshed and it was he who founded Eton College , also King 's College , Cambridge .
26 The sixth Duke of Devonshire came into possession of the property in 1811 and it was he who introduced a menagerie of animals to the gardens of Chiswick House , including deer ; kangaroos ; elks ; emus ; Indian bulls and goats of several kinds .
27 During the next few days I saw a lot of ‘ Deemy ’ and it was he who suggested that Major Hal could clear the decks for me to accompany him on his next flight back to Siberia .
28 Sometimes he was roped in to be the MC at these dances , which , for those who know only disco dancing , means Master of Ceremonies , and it was he who announced that the next dance would be a waltz , or a foxtrot , and was not supposed to dance himself until everyone else was on the floor .
29 John Tennant ( 1725–1810 ) , the father of the family , is thought to have been a witness to the baptism of Robert Burns , and it was he who joined the poet 's father , William Burness , in hiring a young school teacher for their sons at Alloway .
30 William Mason Fenn was rector from 1864 until 1866 , and it was he who arranged for the fair at nearby Hoyland Common to be brought up to Rectory Field where the parishioners could enjoy the swings and donkey rides free .
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