Example sentences of "[conj] it is [v-ing] with " in BNC.

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1 As a matter of general law , apart from the statutory provisions and the Law Society 's regulations , the firm 's name must not be such as to deceive the general public into believing that it is dealing with some rival firm .
2 They call it an attempt to emphasise that Macedonia is an historically and culturally Greek region just when the ex-Yugoslav Macedonia , invented and so-named after World War II by Tito , is seeking international support for its own claim to independence , so far without much success : in part because of the problem of its name , in part because of fear that it is looking with greedy eyes at Greek Macedonia .
3 According to Zander there are 12 different products that will eventually fall under the DOE umbrella that it is sharing with Hewlett-Packard Co .
4 Ford says the electronics content in automobiles will double over the next decade , and that it is working with Motorola on future generations of PowerPC microcontrollers , including embedded controllers for engine management .
5 Microsoft said that it is working with the European manufacturers to combine its operating system with the existing hardware architecture of each .
6 On the standards side , DEC has announced that it is working with International Software Systems Inc ( ISSI ) , Austin , Texas on an architectural definition and implementation plan for the European Computer Manufacturers Association ( ECMA ) Portable Common Tool Environment ( PCTE ) standard .
7 * Zimbabwe has denied rumours that it is negotiating with Japan to reopen legal ivory trade through a loophole in the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) 1989 ban .
8 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
9 MCI Communications Corp describes a report in the Wall Street Journal that it is talking with several cable television companies about partnerships , with them possibly buying a stake in MCI as no more than rumour .
10 Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , told Unigram last week that it has a 64-bit part that it is playing with , but there is no operating system or applications up and running on it , yet .
11 The development work is n't thought to be linked to Sun in any formal way , but the news comes just a week after Sun revealed that it is playing with a 64-bit Sparc , and outlined its intent to define the ground rules for such environments through a new release of Sparc International 's interface specification for 64-bit Sparc architectures ( UX No 380 ) .
12 ‘ An organisation is operating in a self-interested way if it is dealing with stress , ’ said .
13 A dog which is being exercised off the leash will cover considerably more ground than if it is walking with you .
14 Boyz N The Hood has more of a connection because it is dealing with kids of the same age group , although Juice deals with an entirely different set of issues . ’
15 He said : ’ It is designed mostly for London and turns reality on its head because it is dealing with late trains .
16 According to the Post , the government watchdog took the step because it is battling with the two companies over discount and marketing data , which it reckons it needs in order to determine whether it is paying fair prices for computer products .
17 In fog there is an atmosphere first of temper and then of inertia , followed by improvization and a peculiarly relieved conviviality , like the illogical sense of reprieve that lies in having to eat a carefully planned picnic lunch inside a car because it is pouring with rain outside .
18 First , theory needs to be explicit about whether it is dealing with symmetrical or asymmetrical , reversible or irreversible relationships .
19 So the horse may feel the need to excel and beat the others when it is galloping with them , to show the others that it is the dominant horse .
20 The essay works best when it is dealing with people ; and most of these are biographical sketches .
21 The only bird that regularly directs missiles at other species is the Australian brush turkey , which kicks sand and stones at lizards when it is competing with them for food .
22 Not only has Trifolium repens a guerrilla growth form but its guerrilla character is exaggerated when it is growing with grasses ; its branching then tends to be reduced and growth is concentrated in linear extension .
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