Example sentences of "[conj] it is [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You know perfectly well that it is not me whom you love , but Mrs Greville , and the two children who are your responsibility , and , knowing that your heart lies with them , and not with me , I can not marry you . ’
2 Even a cursory examination of amendment 27 to the Maastricht Bill will show that it is not me but Mr Maxwell who is having trouble .
3 ‘ We have a good code system and I know where the ball should be , but it 's not too often that it is where it should be .
4 In fact it was far worse than it is today you know .
5 Is dis culture yours , cause it is not mine
6 Now supposing it is n't you that crossing the road , but you 're out with a young child .
7 Such episodes may , of course , be confused as passing acknowledgements , but the readiness to exchange such signals is one of the ways in which we register the normality of the passing scene and it is when we encounter consistent anomalies in the broadcast that we begin to suspect and perhaps report something odd .
8 That was how , for many years , the parties approached these matters and it is why I greatly regretted the style adopted by the Secretary of State .
9 I really believe , and it is here I think that I differ from your that there is a great deal in Tariff Reform ; and I believe also that there is a great deal even in the food part of it .
10 And it is n't ours . ’
11 And it is n't you . ’
12 And it is not it is not fixed it is not fixed or in geological terms , petrified .
13 And it is always us who are rowdies in the pub , who choke harbour fronts with gear , and are heard swearing and shouting among the seaside trippers — never the local yobs , is it .
14 Despite his metrical conservatism ( his strenuous handling of the pentameter is surely surprising and admirable ) and his unfashionable addiction to the grand manner and the high style , Allen Tate was certainly a modernist ; that is what he was thought to be , and it is how he conceived of himself .
15 This latter group of people will inevitably form the great majority , and it is mainly they who will provide the justification for the establishment of a clergy for the ‘ Alternative Religion ’ , and it is they who will prefer to put their faith in carefully chosen leaders , possibly elected from among the others , and on whom they can call for guidance .
16 ‘ What 's the point of having an Arnie autograph if it is n't him , ’ said Richard Johnson , 14 , of Blackley , Manchester .
17 okey-dokey , but if it is n't I mean I like me home .
18 Please could you confirm this is all OK , as if it is n't I shall be looking around for other people as my financial situation gets monthly more worrying !
19 Ah well , if , if it is n't I switch it off .
20 And in your Ks whenever you come across a word that starts with a K make sure you put it in your book and have a look at those occasionally so that you 're pretty sure you know all these K words and then if it is n't you say well okay got to be a C.
21 This triple-edged razor is probably put together by a bunch of names that we 're already familiar with and on a label strong enough to propel it into the club circus , but if it is n't it does n't matter ; there 's a future here if this is a first attempt .
22 The designer 's expectations of the lesson ( if it is not you ) .
23 We need to know what happened if it is not it is not , like thalidomide and practolol , to be swept under the carpet of history
24 If it is not it will be a waste of time and money to include the gift and it may even be detrimental to your relationship with individual members of the media .
25 However fine the grave is for Sarah , if it is not his , then his status will not change at all .
26 ‘ You talk as if desire were one-sided , ’ he countered softly , ‘ as if it is only I who wants you .
27 ‘ You 're a nice bloke really , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm not 'olding it against you that you 're keepin' the wallet and all that money to yourself , even if it is rightly mine , like I said .
28 ‘ Well , if it is indeed she , ’ came another , harder voice , ‘ I can only say that Rose Alderley is most tiresome .
29 . . And if it is then they 're probably sixteen bit integer encoded files for the synthesizer phase .
30 If it is then we should be able to say okay , as we come clear of the systems , we should actually be , that should be just a one off , special cause for that period .
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