Example sentences of "[conj] it can [be] done " in BNC.

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1 Or it can be done outside the classroom — in any place where people are talking and you can listen .
2 So , although it can be done , I would n't recommend it .
3 [ The government ] is convinced that it can be done only by delegating responsibility as closely as possible to where health care is delivered to the patient — predominantly to the GP and the local hospital .
4 Either it refers to behaviour which does not have to be learned or it refers to behaviour which has been so thoroughly learned that it can be done ‘ naturally ’ , ie without conscious thought and application .
5 Alright , so some high-powered committees have dismissed the idea of death rays , but that was before Star Wars showed that it can be done .
6 All too often these little details are ignored on lower-end instruments but Aria have proved that it can be done .
7 The Queen of Beauty serves as a reminder that it can be done .
8 We have proved that it can be done without necessarily having the best players — Haguellar
9 We have proved that it can be done without necessarily having the best players in the world . ’
10 The more permanent way to reduce limitation , however , is to increase capacity — that is to invest time and effort in learning the skills that the job requires so that it can be done more smoothly , more confidently and more speedily .
11 I would like to see this done , and have argued that it can be done , in the mainstream of the processual archaeology I was speaking of , with an explicit methodology .
12 It may strike you as rather remarkable that this is possible , but the mathematicians assure us that it can be done .
13 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
14 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
15 The advantage of presenting the play in this way is that it can be done with a small cast in modern dress with simple rehearsal props and furniture and limited sound and lighting .
16 One of the advantages claimed for this approach to separating off productivity measurement is that it can be done from conventional accounting statements , thereby providing , as Hayzen says , the link between productivity and profit calculations .
17 ‘ And envy them , or simply remind ourselves that it can be done ?
18 It is clearly written , and although it emphasises that much can be done , it in no way suggests that it can be done with little effort or time .
19 Erm er it 's er it 's obviously annoying for me personally , er but the worst thing about it is that it can be done at the drop of a hat , you say , I want information on X. and they say , Yes we can provide .
20 If that is done , I hope that it can be done here .
21 The collection rate in my hon. Friend 's area is 94 per cent. , which shows that it can be done .
22 Because our course for abolishing the poll tax provides a guarantee that it can be done , because we shall pick up an existing system that we know will work .
23 The value of banding is that it can be done speedily and quickly .
24 I believe that it can be done without internment .
25 We propose that that process should be concluded not later than April , but it is immensely to be hoped that it can be done far more speedily .
26 There are two ways that it can be done , either by a sergeant at being totally er dedicated to the policing of .
27 They 've changed quite the opposite way because er I now know that it can be done and how important advertising is to the even to the local businesses .
28 They could have done with an easier game than Bristol but they beat them 38-11 back in October , so it can be done .
29 And it can be done at any level .
30 ‘ It 's been done before and it can be done again . ’
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