Example sentences of "[conj] it 's [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where it 's usually about four or five hundred .
2 DR ROBERT Answers Your Queries The big question this month is sound : it 's muffled ; it 's too directional ; it oscillates or it 's just not quite bluesy enough …
3 and giving us tuition on real antique furniture , he does n't do anything in his shop erm after eighteen forty or it 's all more or less Georgian , very Georgian actually .
4 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
5 What I have n't done and I ought to because of the erm the way that this discussion has to unfold , I ought to say that pure few sentences about why should there be a strategic sites policy at all and erm I ought to put that on the record although it 's pretty well trailed in all the paper work .
6 Jordan is now expected to press Asian governments to act more vigorously to help repatriate their nationals , meanwhile reports that Iran is willing to open its border with Iraq to refugees , have been greeted with relief here , although it 's still not clear whether the Baghdad authorities will cooperate with this .
7 Out with the toolkit , some minor surgery and the cable now connects perfectly although it 's still too short to allow the tablet to go anywhere other than on the right or directly behind the Spectrum .
8 Although it 's only really because
9 Tascam 's 238S is n't immune from the problem , although it 's certainly not bad .
10 So I do n't think that we 're turning them away , I think it 's just in church that it 's probably not the most appropriate place to have lots of smoke .
11 To go into details of that it 's probably much more sensible to do it with just two or three people .
12 My hair is so thick and there 's so much of it that it 's just too annoying for me .
13 Campaigners say they 'll continue to fight for Standish , but at the hospital tonight there was an overwhelming feeling that it 's already too late .
14 But they are taking the view that they will only provide the service equipment , that 's the cabling and the installation and what have you , but not the cameras and that it 's again up to the Police Authority to provide the cameras .
15 Mike says that it 's surprisingly not just at this time of the year when they have trouble with bonfires that go out of control .
16 Do n't get the impression that it 's easy though .
17 The problem with using small group work with young children is that it 's inevitably rather disparate : they will happily play for long periods , but find it difficult to share each other 's work unless there is a powerful dramatic context , as is provided by whole group work , which gives us the chance to really focus the drama .
18 Well I think that most of us feel that it 's absolutely up to you , the individuals whether they keep any of this or not .
19 Yes , take her — I 'll check with Hawick 's office that it 's all right if you come mob-handed , but I 've a feeling in my water about this one .
20 If children witness a quarrel , but then see that you still love each other , they will realise that a row is not the end of the world and will learn that it 's all right to fight — as long as we make up later .
21 He held her hand and said , ‘ You must go in by yourself , and tell Mother very quietly that it 's all right .
22 She felt as though confronted by a child : it 'll be all right , she wanted to say , I 'll see that it 's all right .
23 You 've got a fair bit of our money tied up at the moment , and naturally we 've got to see that it 's all right .
24 You can imagine my relief now that it 's all over , and that it has turned out to be such a beautiful , conventional , dream wedding .
25 She is awake and happy that it 's all over .
26 Howard Kendall has fined him and said that it 's all over .
27 Says that it 's all too personal , I 'll spit
28 ‘ Funnily enough , now that it 's actually here , I ca n't say I do .
29 The first pad , if you hold it up against any of the other pads , you 'll see that it 's actually slightly shorter .
30 I think it would be helpful for people who smoke erm , to think about just how very powerful a drug it is , because I know there have been studies done which show that it 's actually more difficult to stay off cigarettes than it is to stay off heroine .
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