Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb -s] with the " in BNC.

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1 At the northern tip , where it merges with the Vale of Evesham , some grain was also grown , but the Vale of Berkeley , towards the south , was an area of small dairy holdings where arable farming was restricted in scale .
2 The case of trusts is similar , even though the evidence is late ; a constitution of Gordian allows the addition of the word volo where it fits with the words actually written .
3 Hay is the most obvious taste association , striking you first on the bouquet , where it mingles with the scent of crumbled biscuits , and when it comes to flavour , it is met by a faint dusting of icing sugar .
4 It is often divided into two lobes by an inflexion of its wall where it articulates with the pleuron .
5 From the junction with the Burdiehouse Bypass at Straiton , the Gilmerton Bypass follows a gently curving alignment in an easterly direction to the Sheriffhall Roundabout where it connects with the Millerhill Bypass and the proposed A7 Dalkeith Bypass .
6 Subsequently , at a speech to UNICE on 22 July , Gillian Shephard , the British employment secretary and current chair of the EC Council of Social Affairs Ministers , stated that the Government will be reviewing European Community legislation on social and employment matters to ensure that it conforms with the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ .
7 These data suggest that the state 's contribution of resources to elderly households through the provision of support services is , for most services , not substantial and that it varies with the type of household .
8 He concluded by stating that he had been ‘ compelled to trench on political questions as well as economic — because I feel we are approaching a situation that is so grave that it compares with the War , when we were compelled to act together in self-defence ’ .
9 ‘ The club is unique , and we want to see it develop so that it compares with the Queen 's Rugby Club , that is serving as a platform to provide some of the country 's top players .
10 Philippe Roy prefers to do without , because he feels that it interferes with the flavour of a fine oil .
11 Caffeine abolishes the apparent cooperativity of InsP 3 -induced calcium release , suggesting that it interferes with the event that couples the binding of InsP 3 to subsequent channel opening .
12 Later , he comments on this , as follows : ‘ In treating of the development of the notion of thought , we may regard as primitive the child 's conviction that it thinks with the mouth .
13 Their task is to so translate the text that it speaks with the original intention and force as it did to those originally addressed .
14 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
15 Anger is so fundamental to the disease that it goes with the person rather than with specific events .
16 But the problem with taking such an a priori stance is that it clashes with the nature of Christianity .
17 But then the problem with a television tour of Europe is that it begins with the familiar .
18 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
19 The essence of the Queen 's Speech is that it deals with the problems that affect every family in our land , such as those that they encounter with the public services and those relating to education , health and the inner cities .
20 Do you feel that it competes with the fireplace as a focal point in the room ?
21 A feature of project management is that it interacts with the company functions managed on the minimum variety basis referred to under ‘ functional management ’ .
22 This was the language of the Conservative Right , and it is seldom that it synchronizes with the tenets of the reformist Left .
23 It defines its own management system to ensure that it complies with the Group policy and is relevant to its business .
24 The key stages of preparation are to become familiar with all the facts as recorded in key documents , for example correspondence , meeting records , site measurements , wage sheets and plant invoices try to agree the facts with the engineer and/or contractor check the claim is in order with respect to time and/or documentation and that it complies with the contract
25 The first dog will establish the ground rules for the second dog and invariably , a better and more consistent relationship is established between the two dogs — quite often the second dog forms a far greater bond with the other dog than it does with the owners .
26 Claudia Schiffer , on the other hand , appears to represent a return to innocence and vulnerability , which has more in common with the glamorous screen goddesses of the 1930s than it does with the predatory allure of Sharon Stone .
27 It is an angry , retrospective account of the trip to Aden which coincides more accurately with Nizan 's highly militant frame of mind in 1930 and 1931 , than it does with the Nizan of 1926 and 1927 groping his way slowly towards the solution of political action .
28 issue by a company of its own securities for cash provided it complies with the listing particulars provisions , or , as appropriate , the prospectus provisions .
29 For example , an advertisement relating to the issue by a company of its own securities for cash is excluded from the advertising restriction provided it complies with the listing particulars provisions , or , as appropriate , the prospectus provisions .
30 This approximation is shown by the dashed horizontal line in Fig. 2 b , and it agrees with the numerical results significantly better than we would have expected .
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