Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb -s] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Any failure to press the Bat switch while the Bat diode D9 is momentarily lit results in a low output from transistor TR4 and the ball moves on to the wicket l.e.d. where it stays to let the batsman know he has been bowled out .
2 The noise thus created is thought to be passed up the animal 's windpipe and into the sinus cavities of the skull , where it resonates to produce the purring sound .
3 Ritual mourning for the divine son of a mother-goddess is very common throughout ancient polytheism — not to mention modern polytheisms like Catholicism — where it seems to represent the same situation as the self-inflicted mutilations but at one remove .
4 Although it helps to illustrate the multi-vibrator family in this way , here we are really concerned with the electronic version .
5 The system operated by the park authorities to limit numbers into the Canyon can be tiresome and bureaucratic , although it helps to retain the essential peace , solitude and ecology of the area .
6 At this point in the history of the evolution of mankind The Origin rejoins The German Ideology and Formen , although it continues to consider the themes of the family and the position of women in a way that had not been done before .
7 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
8 Copland 's lovely , lyrical work , with a strong element of jazz in the final section , receives another excellent performance — although it fails to dislodge the uniquely authoritative account recorded by Benny Goodman ( who commissioned the work ) and the composer — and Decker is equally masterly and convincing in the very different requirements of Weber 's lighthearted Concertino .
9 All this makes the Safrane 's handling capable and efficient , although it fails to reward the driver with tactile responses in the way that , say , an Alfa 164 does .
10 The government has been quick to say that it plans to continue the economic policies that have pleased businessmen and kept the country relatively well-off .
11 CrossCom says that it plans to use the net proceeds for new product development and for working capital .
12 THE Western Health Board has denied that it plans to close the accident and emergency unit at the Tyrone County Hospital .
13 The Slovak government has also announced that it plans to privatize the power station when the project is completed .
14 Today the department of transport said only that it ontinues to support the council 's road safety measures .
15 While the criteria apply to around 260 companies throughout Europe , Jeffrey Knight , special adviser to the Federation , says that it hopes to start the Eurolist early next year with a few major companies and then expand it rapidly .
16 There should be an ongoing process of evaluation as the programme develops to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the students and employers and enables the students to achieve its objectives .
17 The voice is still languishing , wasted in its rumpled bed , but the guitar is up with the sun , out the window and scaling such dizzy heights that it manages to drag the chorus into a deliciously wounded country yodel .
18 What is even more significant for wage profiles is that all of the figures quoted for average tenure are well below the 25–30 years that it takes to reach the peak of the earnings profile .
19 My understanding of the Bill is that it seeks to improve the inspection performance of the worst authorities in the country by insisting on a minimum number of regular inspections of schools .
20 [ … ] In passing , it should be noted that the conceptual framework developed by Williamson claims to provide an explanation of organizational forms in general , in that it seeks to explain the circumstances in which a variety of institutional forms — including classical market contracts , non-standard market contracts , government regulatory agencies , and trades unions — have , in turn , a comparative advantage in the organization of resources .
21 It is , however , open to the criticism that it helps to preserve the anachronistic situation in which proprietary interests receive more protection than the interest in physical security .
22 This is in contrast to the situation in capitalist countries where education reflects the authoritarian and exploitative values of the factory system with the result that it helps to reproduce the capitalist system of production which is inherently inefficient .
23 The significance of this ability is that it helps to identify the surfaces of things .
24 Retributivism justifies punishment on the ground that it is deserved by the offender ; reductivism justifies punishment on the ground that it helps to reduce the incidence of crime .
25 This activity is doubly advantageous in that it helps to meet the needs of the more elderly for a variety of services and also helps to give the younger elderly person a sense of usefulness , a strong interest and in some cases a degree of insight and preparation for the inevitable transition to a greater ageing that must be faced .
26 The case against it is precisely that it purports to explain the whole of history and , for that matter , of pre-history , by reference to a total system , and so denies to any of its implicated parts ( social , economic , racial , geographical , religious and so on ) as well as to the actions of its great or good men any separate authenticity .
27 It will work for words of any length and comes with a 64,000 word file that it uses to solve the problem .
28 Either we pursue the need for the blue route as opposed to any other route to the north of Harrogate , or the County Council puts on record , I E in a letter to the panel , that it proposes to amend the key diagram .
29 Can the Secretary of State confirm that , notwithstanding the encouraging programme that he has just reported , Nuclear Electric 's directors could not continue to pay the £1 million per day that it costs to continue the Sizewell B construction project if they were not covered by a letter of comfort from the Treasury , without which the company would be technically insolvent ?
30 That uncertainty will mean that the City of London will lose any aspirations that it has to accommodate the central European bank .
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