Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the law of property , a child conceived , but not yet born , will be treated as born , at any rate where it is for its advantage that it should be so treated .
2 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
3 He takes the understandable view that it is for him to take the first steps in Russia , which he is doing to keep the scientists in Russia .
4 As is usual , our report is provided on the basis that it is for your information only and that it will not be quoted or referred to , in whole or in part , without our prior written consent .
5 ‘ It seems like a nightmare , ’ said Breeze in bewilderment ; ‘ but it 's much , much worse for you than it is for me .
6 Well it 's probably gon na be easier asking you to nip up to shop than it is for me trying to get back .
7 We need to remember that it is no more natural for women to live longer than men than it is for them to have lower incomes , to expect to give up work if their men wish it at marriage or in later life , to be the keepers of family memory , the main carers of those in need , the main sufferers from the empty nest as children leave home .
8 A few are ‘ trying out ’ policing by joining the reserves first , although the common view amongst the reserve police is that it is harder for them to transfer to the regulars than it is for someone without experience to sign up straight away because of the greater number of reasons the police authorities are thereby given for turning them down .
9 It is much more effort for the speechreader than it is for you .
10 However that may be , there are reasons for thinking that the abandonment of England , and of any hopes for her , was not much less momentous for Pound than it is for his English readers .
11 ‘ It 's in their interests to address the issue and it 's for them to decide whether change is cost effective , but it 's in our interests too . ’
12 Parliament has placed the primary responsibility for their enforcement on local authorities and it is for them to decide their own course of action .
13 The hope is to set up groups across Scotland to discuss health issues on a local level and it is for them that the recruitment drive has been started .
14 However , as was made clear by the Divisional Court , the release of a life sentence prisoner is solely at my discretion and it is for me to decide , after receiving the Parole Board 's recommendation and after consulting the judiciary as required by section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , when actual release should take place .
15 ‘ the release of a life sentence prisoner is solely at my discretion and it is for me to decide , after receiving the Parole Board 's recommendation and after consulting the judiciary as required by section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , when actual release should take place .
16 –This is the fourth annual report which I have presented to the Village Association in the last five years and it is for me the most pleasing , not because I am standing down as chairman but because I feel that it is the most positive report that I have been able to give .
17 ‘ This is the fourth annual report which I have presented to the Village Association in the last five years and it is for me the most pleasing , not because I am standing down as chairman but because I feel that it is the most positive report that I have been able to give .
18 ‘ All right , well I have told you that the facts are for you ; you have seen all the witnesses in the case , you have heard them and it is for you to assess their evidence and to decide which of them you believe , if any , which of them you disbelieve , if any .
19 And it is for his gaffes as much as his gifts that old Colemanballs — the column Private Eye named after them — will be remembered .
20 Each image is like a candle and it is for us to embroider our minds so that they are like the constellations of the heavens — Rumi 's harvest of stars .
21 And it is for us surely to open ourselves without prejudice to the shape that it will take in the future .
22 What a laugh , Modern English merit respect even if it 's for their sheer determination and sense of humour .
23 Well , I says to him , I 'm getting sick of these calls cos you do n't know if it 's for him or him .
24 Er and I suppose the great you know lesson of social sciences in , in some ways if it 's , if it 's for anything it ought to be to try and avoid that kind of disaster , because erm if we understood ourselves better we might you know in the future try and avoid that thing because we just would n't attempt if , if that was n't an attempt to be .
25 If it 's for you , you would want to open it yourself .
26 Inside there is more marble , — the marbled floor is very good — but it is for its art that the interior is famous .
27 It is not for teachers to tell them what to believe or value , but it is for them to try to equip pupils in such a way that they can enter into the debate and develop a coherent and perceptive worldview for themselves .
28 The specimen may be of blood or urine , but it is for me to decide which .
29 Towards the end of his time with us , Peter began to develop a midfield role in the craftier confines of Division Two , but it is for his goalscoring exploits that Palace fans chiefly remember him .
30 But it is for his gift of sympathy and understanding for the teachers who worked with him which far exceeded his obligation that I shall largely remember him .
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