Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb mod] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 But when he gets round to it , I think he 'll control them a bit more closely , now you can invest in that sort of fund quite safely , and although it wo n't give you any capital growth , because if they 're giving you ten percent income , obviously the capital growth 's going to be limited , but er if it 's the income that you 're after , not a bad thing to do , so I mean at the moment I may actually combine one income-type er P E P with one growth and income , where the , where the , perhaps the yield is about five percent .
2 Mere drunkenness will not of itself amount to disorderliness , although it might readily give rise to disorderly conduct .
3 They should not feel aggrieved at her asking for money ; when she went into the cold hall she felt that it would not give her back much , if anything .
4 Hailed by Sir David Wilson , the Governor of Hong Kong , as " a good agreement for Hong Kong " , the memorandum was widely seen as the UK acceding to China 's demands for a greater say in Hong Kong 's affairs , although Sir David claimed that it would not give China a veto over the Hong Kong government .
5 Anyway , you could scratch up the rifling with a file and steel wool so that it would never give the same markings on a bullet again . ’
6 It was held ( a ) that it was a statement of present fact , namely that at the time the letter was sent the traveller had a definite and certain booking , ( b ) that that statement was false because the airline 's overbooking policy meant that the traveller 's booking was exposed to a risk that it might not give a seat on the aircraft , and ( c ) that the airline made the false statement knowingly ( and not merely recklessly ) since the airline was well aware of its own overbooking policy .
7 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
8 And it might even give you some ideas !
9 And it will probably give you some horrible skin disease too . ’
10 This model has all the advantages of the earlier inflationary models , but it does not depend on a dubious phase transition , and it can moreover give a reasonable size for the fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background that agrees with observation .
11 It might not be complete but it 'll certainly give us some of them .
12 Not so that it would stop cars getting across into the car park , but it would nevertheless give the impression .
13 Separate aircraft from Aberdeen and Edinburgh so that will double the capacity but it wo n't give us two frequencies of cost .
14 Cost control will serve us well for a single year but it wo n't give us a company that will survive into the next century .
15 Not only will this keep the bush compact but it should also give you another flush of flowers .
16 But it can also give deep satisfaction to have this opportunity of showing love and concern for someone who is close and who has probably shown the same care for us .
17 Whether MCC , his financial empire , really is going to cost bankers a lot of money is not yet certain , but it will surely given them some sleepless nights .
18 The method of keeping little tins in the house marked ‘ rent ’ , ‘ rates ’ , ‘ telephone ’ , etc. , into which you put money may give a certain amount of satisfaction as a way of saving , but it will also give a burglar a certain amount of satisfaction to have everything so conveniently marked and to hand for him .
19 Not only is it bulletproof but it will also give you privacy to speak to the ambassador .
20 But it will also give the bacteria in your tank a better chance to multiply , which is important too .
21 I mean , I mean I 'm sure it 's useful in the sense that it gets one person through er doing a degree who could n't have done it otherwise , but whether it would actually give you the sort of experience you want , I 'm much more doubtful .
22 In studying Epicurus , Gassendi found confirmation for the embryonic idea of the Exercises , that sense-experience might give us something worthwhile and valuable even though it can not give us knowledge of necessary causes and of the natures of things .
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