Example sentences of "[conj] it also [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its main targets were imports from Asian countries including China , Taiwan , Hong Kong and South Korea , although it also related to other developing countries .
2 In newsrooms libel is the greatest inhibition upon freedom of speech , although it also serves as a spur to accuracy and professionalism .
3 Dicey argued , not only that belief in the inherent excellence of federalism was a ‘ delusion ’ , but that it also ran against the grain of English history :
4 One of the unintended consequences of its use , however , as we shall see later , is that it also offers to readers an unusually rigid and frequently biased conception of gender .
5 As a detectorist I now know that it also led to the loss of Civil War coins , militaria and other relics in the vicinities of sieges .
6 We have noted elsewhere ( J. Milroy , 1980 ) that the vernacular unrounded vowel is persistent in word-lists , that it also persists into middle-class speech , and that polysyllables are the most resistant environments .
7 The only thing is that this text gives no reason to suppose that it also applied in cognitio .
8 It has been argued by some that training plays no part in refining the skills of headship which can only be learned through experience ; presumably the proponents of this view would say that it also applies to officers .
9 The opinion makes clear that it also applies to ‘ defined-contribution ’ schemes , in which an employee makes payments into the scheme and gets a pension reflecting the returns on his or her cash .
10 It 's , it 's reflected in mammalian societies like deer and er there are good reasons for thinking that it also applies to er human beings .
11 A key point about the former is that it also invokes in practice some measure of ‘ tolerance ’ on both sides , some concept of ‘ trust ’ .
12 This means that it also appears on any computer printouts that you receive .
13 It talks about one budget covering for the two centres and it also talks about two heads of centres which is more practicable and more rational than any other s situation that would have been if the merger decision would have stayed .
14 This happens with Latin American workers in the USA and it also happens with ASL users ( Fischer , 1978 ) .
15 As with the differential vertical perspective cue , the horizontal perspective cue is a consequence of the perspective viewing of a surface from two spatially separate vantage points and it also varies with the absolute distance to the surface ( Fig. 2 b ) .
16 Such thinking was behind the absurd argument that the police should be restrained from giving hot pursuit to stolen cars , and it also lay behind much of the nit-picking objection to the Bill that we heard from the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook .
17 And it also managed to chip some of the woodwork , curious to think that I was offered as war damage compensation five pounds to re-case the piano , you could n't of had it repolished for five pounds , but thinking was working class people should n't have pianos , I 'm certain that was at the back of , of the gentleman whose job it was to evaluate war damage , he certainly raised his eyebrows every time we told him , what either a piece of furniture or crockery or cutlery which had been destroyed had cost and he was so foolish after er the house had been almost flattened as de demand bills as proof of evidence that your figures were correct
18 There seemed little point in launching into the saga of her engagement , and it also seemed like an ideal opportunity to tell Piers obliquely that she was n't emotionally involved with him .
19 A plan of it had appeared in the Architects ' Journal the previous Friday , and it also appeared in The Times the morning after the Prince 's speech .
20 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
21 It exists in incomplete form in a manuscript at Longleat House which contains an anthology of Rolle 's English writings all , there , recorded as dedicated to Margaret de Kirkeby , and it also exists in an extended form where it is entitled De passione secundum Ricardum .
22 The 1832 act aimed to give the " middle orders " in society political influence and it also provided for a framework within which landed wealth and industrial wealth could adjust their conflicts of interest without resort to force .
23 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
24 It is a loan collection for RBGE staff , and for some external borrowers , and it also serves as a permanent Reference Collection of RBGE images .
25 This is startlingly lower than the figures of over half reported from eastern Europe and the Far East ; and it also looks as if co-residence was much more common in southern France , and also in post-colonial America .
26 Place the plants at either end of the tank and put a small flowerpot in the middle away from the plant clumps so the female can hide — and it also assists with her capture when the time comes to remove her .
27 It did to some extent aggregate demands and turn them into viable policy issues , and it also acted as a downward channel of communication , explaining and rationalizing government policies in the hope of their greater acceptance by the citizens .
28 The Empire army may include the Tzarina if it also includes at least one unit of Kislev troops .
29 A business which wishes to exclude liability vis-ρa-vis its business customers therefore needs two different sets of terms , if it also deals with consumers .
30 In the beginning , okay believed in and or whatever you wan na call it , but it also believed in other gods as well , except he was the chief god , he was number one god as it were and he 's the one you got to follow .
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