Example sentences of "[conj] it be important for " in BNC.

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1 Because er I mean a lot of children these days , I think about my parents , it 's their money , they spend it , and I do n't really see that it 's important for it to be passed on to us , but in the case of a large estate , it becomes more important , if you 're looking at sort of two hundred three hundred thousand estate , then there 's going to be a lot of erm er asset value which would be taxable .
2 Now I acknowledge that this kind of exegesis might be disturbing for some , but I believe that it is important for us as modern Christians to feel the force of this criticism which has thrown fresh light on the Scriptures as we have received them .
3 He is a good cook , believing that it is important for men to learn to cook so that if they marry a woman not too well versed in the culinary arts , they will still survive !
4 He says that it is important for partners in the smaller firm always to ensure that they will be adequately represented in the combined firm 's management structure .
5 So you see , that it is important for every coach in the country , even if he is giving a lesson to a child who does n't have any kind of tennis talent , to give the lesson as if he or she was the future Wimbledon champion .
6 Many doctors think that it is important for parents to recognize these feelings and to go through a period of mourning for their lost imaginary baby …
7 With regard to the audience for children 's project work , it is becoming widely agreed that it is important for children to learn to take into account their potential audience when they are producing written work .
8 It follows that it is important for relevant decisions to be considered in deciding cases .
9 The class structure affects people 's attitudes and behaviour significantly , so that it is important for advertising to know which class is being aimed at .
10 This is so contrary to our general assumptions ( namely that the Holy Spirit , however vaguely we conceive of him , is an internal gift for the faithful , appropriate only to be mentioned in church ) that it is important for us to see the crucial link between the Spirit and mission which is presented to us in the pages of the New Testament .
11 I agree that it is important for our Parliament to examine EC legislation closely .
12 I said to the manager , Ghiringhelli , who was already a great personal friend , that it was important for me to go , but if it was not possible then I would forget it .
13 It ran right up and over his cheekbones , leading one to suspect that it was important for him to shave his eye sockets and forehead daily , if he wanted to avoid becoming altogether bestial .
14 Only a few exceptional women were likely to take advantage of equal education opportunities , though on grounds of utility alone , Mill argued that it was important for this small pool of female talent to be permitted free choice of occupation so that it might contribute to human development .
15 It is fair to say that the greatest violators of human rights across the world are terrorists , but I stressed the fact that it was important for the Government of India to be more open in dealing with the accusations .
16 His mother was always telling him that it was important for teachers to give , although what they were supposed to give she did not say .
17 You told me once that it was important for a dancer to eat plenty of protein . ’
18 The removal of trees constitutes the removal of both biomass and nutrients so it is important for sustainable yield that logging rotations are sufficiently long to allow replenishment .
19 Today children are meeting and playing with children of other faiths so it is important for them to have some understanding and knowledge of each other 's traditions .
20 Some water shrews feed on relatively large fish or newts , so it is important for them to immobilise their prey rapidly .
21 Just as it is important for employers to understand the system and language of education , so it is important for teachers and students to understand the needs and concerns of employers .
22 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
23 And it 's important for me to clear that side of it on the basis that you have no responsibility for setting the assignments up .
24 It 's a wonderful sight , and it 's important for the public to see it .
25 Vitamin C is also required by those under stress and smokers , and it is important for the growth and repair of cells , gums , blood vessels , bones and teeth .
26 Certain organizations have the power to object to the grant of an O licence and it is important for the haulier seeking a licence to be aware of who they are :
27 It is very natural for you to miss each other , and it is important for you to know where they are and to be able to make contact with them whenever you want to .
28 The European Community plays a vital role in developing law in the United Kingdom , and it is important for Scottish solicitors both to have a say in its formation and to be kept informed of changes in Brussels . ’
29 There are schemes on hand for virtually every estuary in the country and it is important for the legislation to cover them .
30 The policy is to seek a wide range of complementary databases , and it is important for the humanities community to make its requirements known , directly or through the Datasets Inter-Agency Group ( DIAG ) , an advisory body , bringing together dataset providers and funders .
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