Example sentences of "[conj] it be [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 I mean , nobody 's there to back you up , if you need a , if you need any assistance , or it 's or the company 's not really bona fide then you 've got no comeback .
2 Some say that it is because the church has neglected , in almost every generation , to create a true fellowship in Christ that we are faced with modern freemasonry or , more recently , acid house or the New Age groups .
3 One might speculate , as I did myself several years ago ( Widdowson 1979 : Paper 15 ) , that it is because the learner draws variably on his interim competence according to the situational demands made upon it ; that his interlanguage , in other words , contains variable rules as well as invariant categorial ones and in this respect resembles fully fledged languages ( see Ellis 1985 , Chapter 4 ) .
4 Many would have claimed that it served none , that it was but the result of the Fall and of sin , and that it brought only harm and hurt to the world .
5 After the election Mr Bryan Gould , when asked why he thought Labour had lost , replied that it was because the electorate was too ‘ conservative ’ .
6 I asked the Corporal why he had saluted and he explained that it was because the Legion was the senior arm of the French Armed Forces .
7 Doubts were expressed in Washington ; but in spite of Griffin 's assertion that the wave of communist risings in Indo-China were not economic , social or ideological , rather they were predominantly nationalistic , he concluded that it was because the Bao Dai government was itself so intensely nationalist that it was worth supporting .
8 Huy knew that it was because the policeman could trust him only so far after his confession .
9 I , I knew , I , I knew that it was because the , that the taxi cabs had insisted , but now told us the reason .
10 Equally , science would be much less advanced than it is if the only available data were intuitive estimates of quantities .
11 Of course I admit there 's an alcohol problem , but then again it tends to look worse than it is because the res is dry so everyone congregates at the nearest bar , which is two miles south , in Nebraska .
12 That unpleasant responsibility is less necessary than it was but the habit of mind , in society as much as with the professions , lingers on .
13 The management of the health service is now infinitely better than it was and the trend to devolving responsibility downwards has continued apace .
14 And , so it was that the Burghers of BR came to close possibly the most scenic standard gauge line in Britain in 1964 .
15 And it is because the new humanity is made up of free men and women that God wishes that all should be saved : his delay in invading the world and bringing an end to history is to allow time for the new humanity to supplant the old .
16 Do you kn erm on the subject of I know last last time I came when I spoke to you that you were saying about you were saying about religion and it was and the fact that you erm go to church .
17 But crucial differences remain , and it was because the early modern transvestite was not conceptualized in terms of a pathological sexual subjectivity — the modern ‘ homosexual ’ — that her transgression was regarded , albeit with paranoia , as more social than sexual .
18 and it was because the generation whose sons were being sent to be slaughtered
19 But now Mr Wolski had been asked to see her , and it was because the Curator , in his kind but mistaken way , thought he might like to take leave of the old eagle .
20 ‘ Next day I tried to warn my brother , and it was as the black artist had said .
21 The requirements upon issue are : ( 1 ) filing by the applicant of the originating application ( N312 ) , a copy of each named respondent and two further copies ; ( 2 ) an affidavit in support with the same number of copies for service ; the affidavit should state : ( a ) the applicant 's interest in the land ; ( b ) the circumstances in which the land has been occupied without licence or consent and in which his claim to possession arises ; and ( c ) if it be that the name of any person occupying the land is not stated in the originating application , that the applicant does not know the name of such person .
22 If it is that the Court of Appeal should have relisted his case , then his application would have to have been made to the Commission by March 1991 .
23 I wonder if it is because the prevailing attitude to life in the Eighties in Britain seems to be to look after number one , to get on , to make money , and not to bother about anyone else ?
24 Swainson ( 1840 ) had called this animal Polytropa lapillus ( L. ) but that name must give precedence to one of the older names if it is valid-and the name Polytropa lap ii/us is rarely seen in modern literature .
25 People walking in but we need to need to clearly define the areas and if it 's that the national account department at has this list of corporate clients then maybe it makes sense that the national account manager responsible for deals with those also
26 Well if it 's , if it 's if the weather 's not very good I 'll meet you in the car , but if it 's a nice day I , I 'd much rather walk to meet you .
27 But it was that the arm she were using .
28 Whether it is that nowadays people are less interested in playing games as between author and reader , or whether it is that the human liking for games-playing has been transferred to other fields I do not know .
29 I do n't know whether it is just the advance of modern technology within the family , or whether it is because the type of material the fire is built with nowadays would n't let them taste quite so good .
30 I mean , I think , there is something there that needs pursuing , I 'm not accusing all judges of being , inherently , you know , nutty , or , whatever , but , the number of cases that have come to light in the last few years , whether it 's because the press have just decided to home in on them ,
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