Example sentences of "[conj] it be [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I desire only to know that all is well ; that it is but my own foolishness , aided by my being here at so unholy an hour , which causes me such anguish …
2 Thus to the question ‘ Why do you feel affection for your children ? ’ or ‘ Why are you inclined to assist animals ( or fellow citizens ) in pain ? ’ , it would sound lame and otiose to reply that it is because your children are kind and decent , or that you assist others in the hope that they will assist you , or that you do both to contribute to the greatest happiness of the greatest number of creatures .
3 Some said it was because we had harvested too many beans , but it was because our union was getting stronger .
4 I mean I did n't take a lot with me , I mean I took too much as it was and my arm carrying it across the Underground .
5 And his tzedaka — the performance of charitable deeds enjoined on him by his religion — won him the gratitude and loyalty of many of the young men and their dependants , for it was as his travellers that they made their weekly Monday-morning trek to the country , secure in the knowledge that , no matter how erratic the week 's takings might be , their basic wage was guaranteed by Max Klein .
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