Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adv] use " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ technology transfer ’ is a process of innovation , but it involves spreading existing technology from sectors where it is conventionally used throughout industry so as to provide added value and competitive advantage .
2 The ordinary use of the term " correlate " , where it is ordinarily used , is perhaps for a type of individual rather than an individual .
3 The richest source of MUFAs is olive oil — there is a low incidence of coronary heart disease in Mediterranean countries where it 's widely used .
4 An anti-Nazi lawyer , Serge Klarsfeld , discovered in mid-November that a Second World War filedrawn up by French police in October 1940 on the instructions of the Gestapo and containing information on all Jewish people in Paris was still in existence at the Ministry of War Veterans , where it was apparently used to check pension claims .
5 Although it is widely used , there are no generally accepted definitions .
6 Although it is now used with a cup , the saucer had a very different origin .
7 Notice that we avoid the ( anthropomorphic ) term memory , and the term core store , which presupposes a particular store technology ( although it is often used generically ) ; when we wish to distinguish among several levels of storage on a computer , we will refer to this basic level as main or primary store .
8 Although it was extensively used to model figures such as the river god at Ham , most of the surviving pieces are smaller decorative items such as the pineapple finials in the south terrace at Ham and the richly ornamented urns at Killerton in Devon .
9 AT&T says that it is already using the two components in its New Generation Testing system that troubleshoots toll-free 800 number services and can pinpoint problems on up to 42 lines simultaneously .
10 To put it another way , a noun , as an item from the lexicon of the language , has descriptive content and may be considered as a property concept just as much as any verb or adjective , with only the exception that it is habitually used in individual acts of communication in order to identify an entity , by means of that descriptive content .
11 Supporters of this option claim it reinstates the spectacle of demo-cracy , while critics content themselves with pointing out that it is currently used in Iceland , Bosnia , and parts of Turkey .
12 The ITTO is in a perfect position to demand from its members better practices , such as felling secondary forest rather than primary , chopping up every part of a felled tree so that it is all used ( this is not the case in many areas ) and replanting after a section of forest has been cleared .
13 For products that are expensive and only used sporadically an unattractive product may be chosen if it has an exceptional performance as its handling characteristics will ensure that it is only used as a last resort and not used casually when other cheaper products would suffice .
14 Indeed , the pervasive appeal of the term ‘ bottom line ’ ( profit after all deductions ) is such that it is often used as the ultimate test of success in any aspect of society ; in sport , how well the game is played is irrelevant , what matters is the final score — the bottom line is winning or losing .
15 ‘ The place had this history , this tradition and all this wonderful old packaging that it was n't using .
16 ‘ It had this history , this tradition and all this wonderful old packaging that it was n't using , ’ he says .
17 However , s 2(8) did not apply to information provided under s 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and it was argued on Mr Naviede 's behalf that disclosure of the transcript to the SFO should only be made on condition that it was not used in evidence .
18 The advent of the boiled bait , not too long before the hair-rig , married very well to this new technique , for it later became apparent that the success of the hair-rig owed a lot to the fact that it was generally used with boilies .
19 Mrs Maugham did not like this either , on the principle that it was neither use nor ornament .
20 It is likely that it was originally for wool drying , although there is a local tradition that it was also used for the drying of teazles , imported from Somerset , hence its local name of the Teazel Tower .
21 No , it 's Serumchromoglycate with it What it What 's it Now we know We know all about that cos we a lot of it in aspirin and problems with noses and things like that , but er I was n't aware that it was actually used by mouth for this .
22 ‘ Not that it was much use , I 'm afraid ; I met so many people the faces were just a blur . ’
23 Shortly after the First World War , the mill ceased operating commercially , although it is said locally , that it was still used occasionally for the production of animal feed .
24 Aircraft landing at LG 05 were seen and a recce of LG 121 confirmed that it was only used as a decoy at night .
25 Military equipment which had belonged to the East German army had been supplied to Turkey during the Gulf war in 1991 on condition that it was only used to defend the borders of Turkey or other NATO member-states .
26 I can buy the best legal brains in the business , so it 's no use your fighting .
27 Life 's a nightmare unless you can laugh , and it 's not use documenting the down side of reality unless you can smile , dance and live enough to make it all worthwhile .
28 Because that 's the old term that 's been used for however many years , and it 's still used by industry .
29 But it 's in having said that it 's an interesting fact that the knitted fabric as such we know , is a warm sort of comfortable fabric and it 's obviously used in where I call the , the cold climes , and that , that 's why it 's developed in the very areas we 've been talking about .
30 The local people call the clays salão , and it is traditionally used for covering walls and houses .
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