Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On the 199 bus I sit upstairs where it 's smokier than at Victor 's but at least I get a good view of the streets below .
2 I could n't afford to go anywhere , I cant walk far , so I had to buy stuff locally where it was dearer because the bus fare was 64p .
3 The Phaistos temple rivals the Knossos temple in splendour ; although it is smaller and seems , to judge from the remains , to have been decorated less lavishly , it has a spectacular location on a precipitous hilltop offering views across the Mesara Plain to the east and south-east and to Mount Ida in the north .
4 It offered no defence ; and defence was needed , for on the opposite side of the yard a wall ran right up to the house and although it was lower than the roof an agile man might easily scramble from it up on to the roof itself .
5 … the pupils are remarkably honest about their reactions , if anything they tend to be rather hard on themselves in their criticism of their own work , but they very , very rarely pretend that it 's better than , or more successful than they actually feel it is .
6 I personally feel it 's better than what 's there now at the moment , it 's also positioned on a a site which is now zoned for housing anyway in the district plan , erm it is providing true good quality houses in the area , we we personally feel that it 's better than what 's being proposed alongside here .
7 national vocation I I really think that it 's worse because they 've not , whereas when I was a trainee you had your six weeks on produce , your six weeks on whatever in the branch of that now and they did n't have that , they have n't got any training plan , so they 've got nothing to say well career , branch branch need here and I need to be here and I need to be here .
8 But please leave out the 0–60 in 7.5 seconds , forget that it 's faster than a Ferrari Mondial from 50 to 70 m.p.h .
9 What I do see wrong is that it 's smaller than it needs to be . ’
10 And , of course , you ca n't measure anything to show that it 's shorter than usual … ’
11 Since playgrounds give our children so much , it 's a great shame that in many areas , the old playparks are being allowed to run down until they 're in such a bad state that it 's easier and cheaper to knock them down and build a carpark than try to make them safe .
12 Faris is sure that it is lower than 300 picoseconds , although he does not have the equipment to prove his prediction that it is less than 50 picoseconds ( 10 -12 seconds ) .
13 It seems to be assumed by many advertisers that this sort of thing makes it simpler for the ( presumably illiterate ) public to take in , but I have never seen any evidence whatever to prove that it is better than , or even as good as , writing in slightly more formal English .
14 While it can never be legitimately said of a theory that it is true , it can hopefully be said that it is the best available , that it is better than anything that has come before .
15 I do claim that it is better than any of its predecessors in meeting exceptional need in exceptional circumstances .
16 No one will buy British food because somebody tells them that it is better than their own .
17 However , I take the view that it is better if the parents , friends and older children become involved and take an active part .
18 Indeed I think we can say that it is worse than the draft statement because some of the good points in the original have been removed .
19 What stopped me in my tracks was a sentence reading , ‘ The dung beetle program really can not be justified on the grounds that it is cheaper than a horse ’ .
20 I hope that the hon. Gentleman is aware of the fact that unemployment has been rising in most European Community countries and that it is higher than it was a year ago in every EFTA and G7 country .
21 We are prepared to adopt a system that is a little more complicated , provided that it is fairer and responds more to the wishes of the British public .
22 THE type of ball being blamed for Scotland 's penalty miss against Malta — on the basis that it is lighter than normal — will be in use for the next two years in internationals , writes Hugh Keevins .
23 Aluminium 's attraction is that it is stronger so the supporting sections are generally more narrow , allowing more light into the conservatory and offering a less obstructed view .
24 ‘ I tell you , there are times when I could agree with the good doctor of Norwich , old Tom Browne , that it were better if we humans propagated in the manner of trees .
25 Had n't she already acknowledged to herself that it was better that they did n't touch — or do anything to aggravate a volatile situation ?
26 In the weeks that followed he built up a regular round of customers and boasted that it was better than going to work , especially on cold winter mornings .
27 Well I felt that it was better than having white .
28 It may be so , but diplomatic calculation also would have persuaded both of them that it was better if Alice did not marry an Angevin .
29 Since the Duke supported Constantine 's claim he may well have brought Bertrand to Normandy on the theory that it was safer than leaving him behind to foment trouble .
30 Well , it had n't changed much , except that it was bigger and a lot of schoolboys were apparently prancing round the sacred portals of Pierremont House .
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