Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] come to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He being who he is , and she who she is , it was a foregone conclusion that it would come to naught , ’ said the duchess practically .
2 I thought it unlikely that it would come to a showdown about me being a lesbian , but felt clear that the chances of being disciplined were high .
3 That it would come to an abrupt end in 1997 .
4 These indicate that time itself had a beginning about fifteen billion years ago and that it may come to an end at some point in the future .
5 After having had it ruin so much of their practice time , it seemed only fair that it should come to their aid when they needed it .
6 The US Federal Trade Commission 's investigation of Microsoft Corp has had an air of unreality about it , with few people imagining that it will come to anything very much or lead to any significant change in the market , but now that the thing may be coming to a climax , what are the possible outcomes ?
7 Its main characteristic is that it can be predicated with certainty before the commencement of the term that it will come to an end ( subject to any right of re-entry or option to determine ) on a known date .
8 To confront it and , while acknowledging that it can come to nothing , to explore the feeling and its roots , can open up new horizons of feeling and fresh recognition of the effect of past experience .
9 But though she had wished things might have been different , she consoled herself with the knowledge that it could come to nothing .
10 So you look at that and you say okay differentiate it once to get the V differentiate it again to get acceleration and it 'll come to minus K X.
11 It would have had a beginning in the big bang , about fifteen billion years ago , and it would come to an end for a star that collapsed and for anything that fell into the black hole the collapsing star left behind .
12 If it should come to their being used , we could be the cause of burning his roof over him .
13 In its relentless quest to buy up every open operating system technology that does not belong to Microsoft Corp , Novell Inc is reportedly considering buying what is left of NeXT Inc if it can come to terms with founder and controlling shareholder Steve Jobs .
14 Yet not only could such a rearrangement be brought about , with the will to do so , but it might come to be seen as greatly to the general advantage of the school .
15 Damn it , but it 'll come to me in a moment .
16 She 's too stuck up to look for it in the back of a cab just yet , but it 'll come to it one day when she gets a few more years on her , even the milkman wo n't be safe and she 'll be grateful .
17 But it will come to you eventually , wo n't it ? ’
18 UI , an $11m affair , wants to retain its input into X/Open , but unless it can come to an arrangement over some other form of membership which OSF has so far failed to secure , it is likely to turn in its cards at the end of the year .
19 Because it 'll come to you , wo n't it ?
20 Granada held out , and the action was aborted by Maudling 's death before it could come to trial .
21 Time-sociology ( or chronosociology as it may come to be called ) has many dimensions to it .
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