Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 The importance of the PPR is that it occurs at a time when the numbers of new susceptible hosts are increasing and so ensures the survival and propagation of the worm species .
2 She characterizes it as a ‘ micropolitical structure ’ in itself , which ‘ underlies and supports the macropolitical structure ’ ; and she alleges that it lies at a ‘ crucial point ’ ( 1977 : 179 , 191 ) between open , and concealed , political control and resistance .
3 ‘ Vehicular traffic light signal ’ is defined as follows : ‘ Three lights shall be used , one red , one amber and one green … the lamp showing the amber light shall be capable of showing a steady light or a flashing light such that it flashes at a rate of not less than 70 nor more than 90 flashes per minute etc .
4 Most surveys show that a basket of food still costs a bit less at a supermarket than it does at an independent grocer 's ; but The Economist did not find that this week .
5 The story of the railways is intimately tied up with the wider saga of the industrialization of Europe , and it proceeded at a different rate in each country .
6 It is the first occasion that Basquiat 's art will have been studied by an American institution and it comes at a time when David Ross , who replaced Thomas Armstrong as the Whitney 's director in bitter circumstances nearly two years ago , is under considerable pressure to ignite a new and visionary exhibition programme at the museum ( see The Art Newspaper No.6 , March 1991 , p.5 ) .
7 ‘ Oh yes — only I 've got to catch the last bus home and it leaves at a quarter to eleven … ’
8 The migrating cells may be made up of a mixture of all the different cell types in immature form , that go to all the sites and a particular type survives only if it arrives at an appropriate site — a sort of cell selection .
9 In other words , if we choose coordinates so that the linearised flow near the origin takes the form we can use these equations to work out the point on the side of B where a trajectory emerges from B if it starts at a point on the top face of B. ( We assume that the box B is a cube with faces which are part of the planes .
10 None of this necessarily involved fighting between French and British , but it came at a time when the British Company was revising its policy of relying on the Moghul Emperor and on the successes of Englishmen outside India to protect its position .
11 This bias was particularly strong during our Pre-Campaign Wave in March when Prime Minister Thatcher visited Moscow but it continued at a reduced level throughout the final campaign .
12 You 'it acrorst the line o' the ball , I grant yer , but it come at a fair lick , one bounce . ’
13 There is an alternative route which is longer and involves slightly more climbing , but it stays at a lower level , never rising higher than 1,600ft .
14 Unfortunately it must be said that in binoculars ( or , for that matter , in most telescopes ) it is disappointing , because it lies at a narrow angle to us and the full beauty of the spiral is lost .
15 Death is a tragedy ( ! ) and whether it strikes at an eight-year-old youngster 3. ) or a senile old man , a scar is always left on one 4. ) of the survivors — a scar that does not heal quickly .
16 This modified technique , involving the measuring of reaction time to clicks , was used by Holmes and Forster ( 1970 ) who showed that subjects were able to detect the presence of a click more rapidly when it occurred at a major constituent boundary than when it did not .
17 June 1 : Piper L–4 Grasshopper destroyed when it crashed at a rodeo in Antioch , California .
18 The Hyperion recording is much more recent ( 1986 ) and fully digital , though it aims at a softer more recessed sound picture than the Chandos .
19 Obtaining office copy entries ( as opposed to furnishing merely a copy of the registered title ) is advisable as it reveals at an early stage whether or not there is a second charge which may not have been disclosed to the husband 's solicitors .
20 To this end he set out to give a ‘ factual picture of life as it comes at a boy in the Merchant Service ’ , offering details of the kind of people he would meet and ‘ some of the problems and emotional conflicts he would have to face … ’
21 The UAE was reported to have reacted in a low-key manner to the Iranian takeover , coming as it did at a time when the Gulf states were hoping for improved relations with Iran .
22 President Scalfaro on July 30 described Scotti 's action as a sign that " factional interests " had been allowed to take priority , coming as it did at a time of national crisis .
23 They found that £15 or £20 a week went as far in an erstwhile fishing village on Spain 's Costa Brava as it did at an English seaside hotel or holiday camp , with cheap wine and reliable sunshine thrown in .
24 Stukeley 's brief description ( p. 84 , Vol. i ) reads ‘ Brigcasterton … was fenced about with a deep mote on two sides , the river supplying its use on the other two ; for it stands at an angle , and the Romans made a little curve in the road here on purpose to take it in , as it offered itself so conveniently , then rectified the obliquity on the other side of the town ; it consists of one street running through its length upon the road ; the great ditch and banks are called the Dikes .
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