Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] they the " in BNC.

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1 The New Towns Act , 1946 , provided for the designation of sites for New Towns ; the setting up of development corporations for their development ; and it gave them the range of powers they would use .
2 It was sweet revenge for Flintshire , who lost out in the corresponding fixture last season , and it gave them the perfect start as they bid to recapture the North Wales county crown .
3 Mr Howe said : ‘ It was the only chance Arsenal had and it won them the match . ’
4 United put profits before results last season and it cost them the Championship .
5 No it does n't , but it gives them the means to promote it .
6 Not only did this save the horses the pull up the hill through the village , but it gave them the occasion for one more glimpse of Tamar and the children , who stood on the steps , waving .
7 Cooke says : ‘ Egg pasta is certainly preferred by many chefs not only because of its excellent colour and flavour , but because it offers them the possibility of upgrading their pasta menus , thus increasing their profits . ’
8 Tenderness is just something that women like because it gives them the upper hand .
9 They joined in our events for young women , and devoured our publications , because it gave them the springboard for taking action themselves .
10 Indeed , Eleanor Rathbone condemned what she viewed as the selfishness of middle class women who , having got ‘ all they wanted for themselves out of the women 's movement when it gave them the vote , the right to stand for Parliament and the local authorities , and to enter the learned professions ’ , then sat back .
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