Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 The grass is either permanent or it remains for several years as a long ley .
2 The agreement endorsed the principle of " self-sufficiency " , which stipulated that waste should be treated or disposed of as close as possible to the point of production , although it provided for some flexibility in the case of smaller countries .
3 In fact one of the great things about this walk is that it keeps for most of the time to the shoulder of the fells so that they fall away steep sided below you giving you clear views out and down .
4 The particular focus which I find valuable is the concept of the ‘ life course ’ , which is different from the more orthodox conception of the ‘ life cycle ’ and ‘ family life cycle ’ , in that it allows for more variation and does not assume that family relationships go through a series of modifications which are totally predictable in advance .
5 Granted that ‘ Be aware ’ suffices for some choices of ends , it does not necessarily follow that it suffices for all .
6 We had nothing at all to live on ; but one day I received a sum of money that we managed to divide up so that it lasted for many weeks , just so much a day .
7 Another difficulty facing this definition or scope for pragmatics , is that it calls for some explicit characterization of the notion of context .
8 By far the most popular location in recent years has been the Netherlands , for the very good reason that it has for some time offered by far the best deal .
9 For most of these the use of English presents no problem and the Church does not assume the cultural importance that it has for some of those from ethnic minority cultures who live permanently in Britain .
10 By 1820 , it was owned and worked by Robert Wight , who continued to manufacture cloth there , the mill becoming known as Wights Mill , a name that it retained for many years .
11 Their opportunities , their perception of their opportunities , and their choices among their opportunities must all be determined by the complex whole , as must the fact that a ruling class opts for a particular ideology , and the fact that it opts for any justificatory ideology .
12 The good news is that it works for all ages .
13 But of course the thing about it is that it works for any shape .
14 The number of matrices B which diagonalise A in this manner is indefinitely large : to prove the theorem we need only show that it holds for any two .
15 He 'd always assumed that this was a piece of official terminology until one day he 'd asked what it meant , and found out that it stood for Another Fucking Drunk .
16 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
17 While much of the UK is looking gloomily at the dark clouds of a major recession , it seems poetic justice that for at least some of Belfast 's population , the future looks better than it has for many years .
18 The outcome of these changes is that the drug bill is rising faster than it has for some years and above the rate of inflation .
19 It seemed improbable that the fine hot weather should continue right through the summer , but so it did for most of us .
20 All that postmodernism has been able to do is signal the demise and loss of all we have held dear , and it remains for another generation of artists to pull us out of the mire .
21 Amongst over 20 year olds the share of temporary workers is below the average , and it falls for each age group until the pensionable age is reached .
22 It is a play for only one performer , and it lasts for less than an hour .
23 And it works for several reasons :
24 The twentieth century has seen the growth of a considerable literature on management as an acquired skill and it has for some time been possible to obtain academic management qualifications .
25 A succession of full chords for wind and horns bears a rather oppressive resemblance to the sound of a harmonium if it continues for many bars without relief .
26 The company 's employees have embarked on a strike that could seriously disrupt international air travel if it lasts for more than a few weeks .
27 A study from the British Medical Association says levels of contamination from pesticides are rarely deadly , but it calls for more research into long term effects .
28 Unlike Boltzmann 's formula for the entropy of a gas , that of Gibbs applies to liquids and solids as well ; but it pays for this greater generality by being applicable unambiguously only to systems that are in equilibrium .
29 He decided to live in Dorset and chose this site ( where an earlier house had been ) , because it looked for all the world as though , when the house was built , it could sail straight out to sea .
30 EC Industry Ministers failed on Dec. 22 , 1989 , to reach agreement on measures to liberalize the systems for public procurement in the EC , regarded as one of the most important aspects of the single market process , since it accounted for some 15 per cent of total gross national product ( GNP ) of the 12 member countries .
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