Example sentences of "[conj] to the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The dancers now appeared on a stage before a wide audience and the focus of their attention changed to the whole audience or to the most important performers .
2 For Coleridge there was always the immediate possibility of escape , either to the bookroom near at hand , or to the more distant hills .
3 For years , the choice in London for deaf people had been confined to church-based institutes under the umbrella of the Royal Association of the Deaf and Dumb , or to the more upper-class independent National Deaf Club , which still flourished and held regular meetings as well as badminton and tennis tournaments .
4 It is in fact an argument about Godwin 's ideas , and it is difficult to decide whether to assign the victory to Godwin or to the more conservative philosophy which Wordsworth was now beginning to embrace .
5 Also , because the tPA regimen ( front-loaded ) used in GUSTO differed from that used in GISSI-2 and ISIS-3 we do not know whether differences in efficacy are due to the more aggressive heparin regimen or to the more aggressive thrombolysis .
6 The Federal Reserve is struggling to allay fears of a ‘ credit crunch ’ — when banks are reluctant to lend except to the most creditworthy borrowers .
7 The story , in brief , is that in colonial times the British banks would not lend to Sri Lankans , except to the very wealthy or very influential .
8 I would have liked to say that to the normally pleasing Duchess of Kent when shown on television visiting a home for people who are elderly .
9 It applies no more nor less to the most personal and transitory goals than to the most general and long-term .
10 The traditional picture presented above of the efficacy of the occasional desert flood probably really applies to the semi-arid rather than to the truly arid regions .
11 dolphins show marked development of those parts of the brain responsible for orientation , social skill , emotional self-control and perhaps even humour … . they seem to have responded to social and sexual pressures rather than to the purely physical .
12 For example , the adjectives affable and amiable which describe Mrs Moreen and her family refer to a superficial benignity of manner , rather than to the more solid social qualities which would be suggested by such Anglo-Saxon equivalents as friendly and kind-hearted .
13 These , for Moore , have little or no intrinsic value , and their investigation belongs to the practical branch of ethics concerned with which among possible actions will have the best consequences , rather than to the more fundamental enquiry into the nature of the intrinsically better and worse which it presupposes .
14 Thus for example the questions about domestic routines and husband 's participation in the division of labour were geared to specific activities and time periods rather than to the more attitudinal or normative dimension of who ‘ usually ’ does what at what time .
15 In Chapter 6 , we shall see that , in order to make sense of voting behaviour and party choice , it is vitally important to attend to the significance of sociological factors rather than to the more obvious political factors that bear on issues , parties , candidates , and leaders .
16 Conversely , poetry is in many ways closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms .
17 We should pay more attention to those millions of elderly pensioners than to the much smaller number of millionaires .
18 This evaluation examined LA 's performance with respect both to intended words and to the equally valid words .
19 He made the journey along with the 26-odd winning captains from the recent past , including ‘ Monsieur Rugby ’ Jean Prat ( Lourdes ) , and to the most successful captain in the history of French club rugby , Béziers scrum-half Richard Astre .
20 In particular , it is important to know as precisely as possible what evidence satisfied Lanfranc and Anselm in pursuing a policy which was opposed to papal policy , and to the most forward-looking thinking on ecclesiastical government of their time .
21 This is what masonry is about and as we have seen in Chapter 2 , starting with the simple wall one can go from the arch to the dome and to the most complicated cathedral , keeping everything in compression , or at least trying to do so .
22 And to the desperately wriggling child , ‘ You 'd like a story , would n't you , about Postman Pat ? ’
23 However , as long as this distinction is understood , it is generally agreed that the term ‘ pitch ’ is a convenient one to use informally to refer both to the subjective sensation and to the objectively measurable fundamental frequency .
24 Visitors to Max Gate bore witness to Emma 's tiresome behaviour and to the barely disguised tensions in the house , but few perhaps realised the extent of her isolation .
25 However , there is now a wider awareness of the need for greater attention to be paid to changing public attitudes and to the financially unquantifiable effects and social costs of closures to residents ( Hillman and Whalley 1980 ) .
26 I would do any job you wished , and to the very best of my ability , if only you 'd give me the chance . ’
27 Teaching by subject led naturally to organization by subjects , and to the almost baronial power of heads of department within the system .
28 Scrutiny of section 21K of the Supreme Court Ordinance , which introduced the radical changes in procedure of R.S.C. ( Hong Kong ) , Ord. 53 , and to the peculiarly civil remedies of injunction , declaration and damages , pointed ( in the opinion of the court ) irresistibly to the conclusion that the proceedings were civil .
29 This was perhaps partly due to distaste for all things Germanic but more to the greater strength of indigenous theories and to the much greater influence upon policy and administration of medical men , already strongly committed to the belief that the cleansing and improvement of the environment could substantially improve the condition and habits of the poor .
30 The term ‘ Product ’ will apply equally to subsystem packages approved and issued for use in the integration phase of a project and to the more familiar concept of a package supplied to an external customer .
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