Example sentences of "[conj] in this way the " in BNC.

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1 Another reason for Yugoslavia 's large exports to the Soviet Union is said to be that in this way the Soviet Union can obtain Western products which would not otherwise be so easily available to it .
2 It is hoped that in this way the metaphysical difficulties surrounding this problem will largely melt away .
3 To this extent and in this way the English distrust of the professional writer can and must be vindicated .
4 And in this way the aristocrat who had fallen to the low road returned — now sober , repentant , well-heeled — to the world in which he was born .
5 Depending on their positional value the feather germs promote pigment formation by the migrant cells , or suppress it , and in this way the global pattern is specified .
6 There was some possibility that Asquith and the Liberals would support a reconstituted Conservative government , and in this way the nation could be saved from the perils of socialism .
7 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
8 In addition , letters sent out generate reminders or other documents and in this way the whole case is driven forward .
9 Then , when it has need of the funds , it can be sold in the secondary market and in this way the maturity does not have to match the need exactly .
10 Because Proust saw involuntary memory , which after all causes the past to coalesce with the present , he saw involuntary memory as a means of abolishing time , however provisionally , however briefly , and in this way the artist takes on a God-like role , since through his art he can free the individual from time , and to this extent confer immortality on that individual .
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