Example sentences of "[conj] of [pos pn] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Association 's affairs at November 30 , 1992 and of its deficit for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
2 In particular , Caparo suggested that the auditors were or should have been aware of the fall in Fidelity 's share price during March and of its need for financial assistance .
3 He spoke of the ‘ perilous conflict ’ between Edward and Charles IV and of his desire for peace between them which , if broken , would put ‘ the greater part of Christendom in peril ’ .
4 As Southey was writing next day of a future which opened to him ‘ a smiling prospect ’ , and of his hopes for ‘ the purest happiness Man can ever experience ’ , the summer was already at an end .
5 You come out of the little world of your daily struggle for life , and of your struggle for Germany and for our nation , to experience this feeling for once .
6 Our current performance is at around the Group average , and I have no doubt not only of our ability to keep this up , but of our potential for doing even better in the longer term on any standard of assessment .
7 ‘ And now — and again because of my wife 's insistence , because of her concern for your health — I have hired a conveyance to take you to the railway station at Skipton . ’
8 Harriet Shakespeare , in anguish because of her love for her son .
9 And of course the dreadful thought gnawing at him like a rat , that he refused to allow into his conscious mind , was the fear that she might already be complete in herself , and because of her love for her dead husband have no time for his helpless need , just as his mother had once been complete , in her sorrowful love for the stillborn Vincent who had preceded him .
10 works with us because of her love for horses .
11 Suddenly too , as a kind of tension caught at her , she knew that while , because of her love for Ven , she could be on very shaky ground here , she must be brave , and stay no matter what , and hear him out .
12 She ‘ stumbled into engineering ’ because of her love for maths , fostered at the newsagents ' till and Middlesbrough Girls High School .
13 His wife Melanie was pressed by Boenninghausen , Hering and other students of Hahnemann to publish the document after his death , but she would not release the manuscript either because of a desire to protect his name or because of her desire for money !
14 They are young and middle-aged men , many with wives and children in Turkey , who say they have suffered repeated imprisonments , police beatings and torture because of their sympathies for communist and Kurdish independence groups .
15 Here the governors ' role is crucial because of their responsibility for the overall conduct and ethos of the school .
16 At the same time three key ministers and a prominent MNSD official were dismissed because of their responsibility for austerity plans which led to student protests and the killing of a number of students at a demonstration [ see p. 37308 ] .
17 But one should not ignore the fact that there were many Catholics who found themselves opposing Franco because of their support for the independence movements .
18 Because of the Westernisation of the Christian community , and because of their reputation for hard work and honesty , Goans have always be able to emigrate for higher pay .
19 These soldiers were the most cruel and professional in the French army , Scottish exiles who served the French crown because of their hatred for England .
20 In consequence , the burgeoning nineteenth-century penal and criminal justice system was aimed at these socially ‘ dangerous classes ’ simply because of their potential for contesting the power of the state and those in control .
21 It was attracted to the Griffiths proposals because of their potential for promoting private services , but it went against the grain to leave local authorities with so much power , and it was this dilemma which caused the considerable delay in the government 's response to Griffiths .
22 Archive sources can be used for a wide variety of purposes , not just as illustrative material , and not only for their informational content , but also because of their potential for the development of historical skills and historical questioning .
23 Some of the complaints about the pedestrian environment arise because of their implications for traffic safety .
24 By the turn of this century they were plentiful in Scotland , eventually becoming so numerous that commercial foresters regarded them as vermin because of their liking for pine buds and needles ( a trait which , according to gourmets , makes them taste strongly of turpentine ) .
25 For the kitchen china , marked with a ‘ K ’ to distinguish it from the nursery china marked with an ‘ N ’ , as well as the storage jars with printed names on the kitchen shelves , Doulton china was used because of its reputation for being hard-wearing .
26 More recently , in Mary Tudor 's reign , the family had come into favour at court because of its reputation for piety and loyalty to the Church , and Sir Gregory had been able to build a new house on the site of the old .
27 Because of its preference for lower temperatures , this is an ideal plant for the garden pool .
28 Egypt has joined in because of its dependence on United States aid and good will and because of its distaste for Iraq 's bid for Arab leadership .
29 And if you remember I said that , because of its concern for security , the state creates a capacity for violence in the world of states , its , its environment and since this is er erm a characteristic of all states , however large or small the resources , they all create this capacity , they all have a defence policy er there is a consequent competition and this competition , far from resolving the problem of security , in fact exacerbates it , it makes it worse , and so states find themselves competing at different levels er competing particularly in the creation of military capabilities and the consequence of this is a more or less sustained and permanent arms race which frequently er produces armed struggles and war .
30 This is a powerful department , partly because of its responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the company but also because it controls the language and format in which the other functions draw up their expenditure plans and report progress against them .
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