Example sentences of "[conj] of [art] problem of " in BNC.

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1 The urban disorders of the 1980s are the most explicit index of the deep hostility now felt by many inner-city residents towards the police , and of the problems of policing the inner city .
2 They were composed of three members : a chairman and two members , one a representative of workers , the other drawn from a panel of persons appearing ‘ to have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area to which the panel relates and of the problems of people living on low incomes ’ .
3 For a write-off of £471,000 , the company has pulled out of freight-forwarding from all but one South American country , Venezuela , because of the problems of repatriating earnings and coping with hyper-inflation .
4 The European biotechnology industry is losing out to the US and Japan , because of the problems of patenting biotech products in Europe .
5 Employment protection legislation was to be retained , and tax havens were eventually ruled out because of the problems of potential abuse by incoming companies or firms moving some plant into the zones .
6 These were more difficult to undertake , because of the problems of pressurising gases with the primitive equipment available and maintaining the pressure .
7 It is not easy to give a friend a ride in a wheelbarrow , because of the problems of balance , and it is difficult to carry sand and soil on a trolley with low or slatted sides .
8 Even so , the potential gain from a lower rate — even if it had been negotiable through the International Monetary Fund — is not easy to estimate because of the problems of relative elasticities of demand for both exports and imports and the problem of the cost effects of higher import prices , not least as they would have affected wage bargaining [ Ball , 1967 ] .
9 Politicians could see the peace was unlikely to last long because of the problems of the succession to the throne of Spain and her colonies .
10 Growth tends to be organic and gradual because of the problems of raising finance .
11 It may not even prove to be possible unless the criteria are very broad , and therefore ambiguous , because of the problems of recording mastery of a long list of criteria .
12 of the crew of a British fishing boat were required to be of British or other Community nationality , only extended to vessels fishing within British fishery limits because of the problems of enforcement outside United Kingdom jurisdiction .
13 Similar software running on a conventional system took around 20 hours to become familiar , mainly because of the problems of keyboard interaction and the requirement to learn lengthy and complicated commands .
14 The solid state seemed more complicated ; and because of the problems of purity , which had plagued Crookes in his work on lanthanum and its congeners , it was very difficult to get consistent results with interesting elements like selenium .
15 Critics of the planning system argued that the resulting system was bureaucratic and slow moving because of the problems of dealing with competing interests and the long cycles of committee meetings that local authorities use .
16 However , because of the problems of discovering how much people value public goods , it is virtually impossible for government to determine the most socially efficient quantity of public goods .
17 Despite the importance for labour training and manpower planning , information about career patterns is extremely rare in Britain , because of the problems of collecting and analysing longitudinal data .
18 It seems reasonable that BW should look to outside bodies for funding , because of the problems of collecting revenue from users .
19 Hot spots appear to be rather irregularly distributed over the Earth 's surface ( Fig. 4.4 ) but the real pattern is difficult to establish because of the problems of identifying specific hot spots and incomplete data in some regions .
20 This functional differentiation of the state apparatus leads potentially to the fragmentation of political authority , because of the problems of coordination and direction by the central executive authority , the government .
21 This might involve a prolonged search and thus discourage the specialisation that is so important in increasing output : in a barter economy , an individual would try to be as self-sufficient as possible because of the problems of trading .
22 Before the budget , because of the problem of trying to find money to cut the local bills , little progress had been made .
23 But this would have been difficult because of the problem of creating the ideal pre-birth environment .
24 Some critics point out that it is difficult to see how it could benefit larger multi-celled animals , because of the problem of passing on good genes via sperm cells , or the egg .
25 Because of the problem of accumulating too many tucks on any one needle , you are usually advised not to use the double-length switch .
26 She discovered that this was often because of the problem of drawing out the block shapes which , to many , was a real obstacle .
27 They call it an attempt to emphasise that Macedonia is an historically and culturally Greek region just when the ex-Yugoslav Macedonia , invented and so-named after World War II by Tito , is seeking international support for its own claim to independence , so far without much success : in part because of the problem of its name , in part because of fear that it is looking with greedy eyes at Greek Macedonia .
28 None of them are completely satisfactory because of the problem of control of ability and opportunity in the different settings .
29 Even if the act of punishing was cheap , and of being punished expensive , this would still not be sufficient to guarantee stability , because of the problem of the ‘ free rider ’ .
30 If they did , then because of her strategic position , because of her great extra-European interests and because of the problem of filling the vacuum left by her withdrawal from the Balkans , the fate of Turkey would once again involve the interests of all the great powers .
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