Example sentences of "[conj] of [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Letters are often a hoped-for source of descriptions of events or of personal feelings about certain things ; and one source of written information which , though not in letter form but not wholly dissimilar , can be useful for the researcher , is the description written by children or young people of events in which they have taken part , or about given social situations .
2 Very often the last journeys of these beloved objects were accomplished to the tune of distressing protests , or of heart-rending pleas for clemency .
3 Not in a spirit of pessimism on the one hand or of complacent expectation on the other , but with an optimism that is founded in the reality of our shared experience .
4 Sail camber has been formed by use of battens , either flat or of round section in sleeves from leading to trailing edge.Tensioned into compression , the battens become curved and the degree of camber is controlled by vertical stand-offs from the forward cross-spar .
5 For example , it is difficult to have direct experience of the past , or of present-day life in far-off parts of the world .
6 They are also an invitation to those who exercise political power to reflect on the nature of man and of human society and in the enactment of laws to eschew the often brilliant attractions of pragmatism , of relativism or of short-term solutions in favour of lasting concern for the common good of all .
7 There are hints of one in the story of Rahab and the spies that we have already looked at , hints of an attack mounted on the basis of inside information gathered in that dangerous night of pleasure , or of stealthy entry into the city gained by means of Rahab 's treachery .
8 My spontaneous recoil from awareness of others ' troubles ( or of future danger to myself ) is no less or more natural than my impulse to sympathy or cruelty ( or to avoid or irrationally court danger ) when I do become aware ; it is as pointless to ask whether human nature is selfish or unselfish as whether it is improvident or far-sighted .
9 We are not speaking of children or of young persons below the age which the law may fix as that of manhood or womanhood .
10 For instance a rite of lifelong commitment for adults or of young people on the verge of adult life who have been confirmed at an earlier age .
11 The secretion of amylase , however , was normal or less severely impaired than the secretion of lipase or of proteolytic enzymes in pancreatic disease in a number of other studies .
12 The influence of parents on their children or of one spouse on the other can be , but is by no means necessarily , much stronger than would be the case in other relationships .
13 The only possible general comment is limited to a comparison of one year with another , or of one exhibition with some comparable one .
14 The substitution of citizenship for domicile in cases like that mentioned , after the manner of the law of some foreign countries , even if desirable on general grounds , would not solve the questions which arise when the laws of different parts of the same national territory , e.g. of England and Scotland , or of two states of the United States of America , come into competition .
15 She took no account of the problems with his bowels or of other difficulties in the anal region or of his depressions .
16 We shall distinguish attributions as external when made by members of the dominant society to the deeds of members of the microsociety , and as internal when attributions are made by members to deeds of their own or of other members of the microsociety to which they belong .
17 The prevalence of commodity and price over structural policy in the CAP , and the distortions introduced by the mechanics of agro-monetary compensation have favoured northern and central European agricultural producers , particularly those in the richer farming areas , while those of the poorer Mediterranean regions or of other DRAs like the Highlands of Scotland have been neglected .
18 In fact , Thomas 's evidence became more ambiguous and confusing as the questioning went on , and taken with that of other witnesses , such as Fred Morton of Fellows , Morton and Clayton , it becomes clear that there were no realistic expectations of improvement of canal traffic , either in the form of coal or of other minerals with or without substantial reconstruction of the canal system .
19 On this last point it is not necessary to authenticate gossip about renewed disagreement between Mr Lawson and the Prime Minister 's own personal economic adviser , Sir Alan Walters , or of new rifts between the Prime Minister herself and the Chancellor .
20 Most locality studies have been of relatively compact free-standing towns or of discrete neighbourhoods in great cities .
21 Or of accelerated change on lines with which we are familiar ?
22 Finally , there are clauses that seek to make generalised advance disclosures of material interests which the fiduciary might have , or of possible conflicts of interest and duty which might arise during the course of the relationship with the customer .
23 The Government 's response in the White Paper on Reform of the Law on Consumer Credit ( 1972 ) Cmnd 5427 , para 14 stated : The Government accept that there are aspects of the existing law in this field which cause difficulty , but they do not have sufficient evidence either of a need for such major recasting of existing law on new principles or of general support for the particular solution proposed by the Committee .
24 There is never any indication of the resistance to colonialism , or of nationalist struggles for self-determination .
25 Did he speak of a recent row or of serious friction with anyone ? ’
26 Although , therefore , Dicey 's sharp distinction between the application and interpretation of statute suffices for most practical purposes , it ultimately breaks down in the face of changing views of the contours of the political community or of serious threats to the central tenets of liberal democracy .
27 A pledge is a security upon goods created by the actual transfer of the possession of the goods themselves , or of such documents of title to goods as bills of lading , but without the conveyance of any legal ownership .
28 Thus , we are prompted to suppose that an unspecified industrial strategy on the one hand is so like matters of health and safety for the purposes of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , or like employment protection for the purposes of the Employment Protection Act 1975 on the other , as to amount to much the same kind of thing as they are ; and so to accept the view that , just as the second is a subject for joint regulation by management and unions or of prior discussion between management and unions , so too should the first .
29 This explains the absence from the " conclusions and recommendations " of any reference to national spiritual unity ( or of contemporary challenges to such unity ) given that in this section the discourse addresses itself to details of state policy .
30 From time to time I meet representatives of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce , or of individual chambers of commerce , to discuss industrial and trade policy .
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