Example sentences of "[conj] the fact [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 That 's not counting the damage to transformers and other equipment from the nests that escape our attention , or the fact that we have to deal with similar problems in Caithness and Shetland . ’
2 ‘ A lead of 2-1 guarantees nothing , except the fact that we need to be on our toes against a side who will relish the big occasion . ’
3 This problem of historical relativism is one of the most besetting for anyone who wishes to read an old book without either getting it hopelessly wrong or , worse , assuming that the fact that we are modern and the author of the book ‘ medieval ’ or ‘ old ’ implies the superiority of one or the other .
4 When , however , we took time out and discussed it , we realized that the fact that we were more diverse offered us a strength against our competitors if we could only capitalize on it .
5 ‘ It does annoy me that the fact that we make it funny somehow demeans the play . ’
6 We hope that the fact that we have won this encourages other small companies to strive for better things . ’
7 And certainly if you look at the case for very many women not in the job tops we 're talking about low paid work erm low rates of unionisation , very , very low rates of day care erm it 's those sorts of things that I 'm talking about , and for me those are very , very much more important than the fact that we 've only got one woman Chief Officer at the top in the County Council .
8 If the fact that we had been here came out , the source of the information would be obvious . ’
9 ‘ It was very hard work in many ways ’ , he told me in February 1985 , ‘ and the fact that we 'd been thirteen years [ in Opposition ] meant that most of them , almost all of them , had no experience at all in government .
10 As their distinguished captain and lock Kevin Swords ( 30 caps ) said afterwards : ‘ This is a very important game and the fact that we all paid our own way is a statement of how much the fixture means to us ’ .
11 ‘ They 've been lifted by our win at Old Trafford and the fact that we are unbeaten after three games .
12 I was pretty certain of the approach I had to take and the fact that we 're virtually the same age was an advantage .
13 The long dark evenings , the unfinished building work , the awful autumn weather , and the fact that we could not get out made these interpersonal difficulties , for which I was not prepared , much worse .
14 And the fact that we have a particular vocabulary of ‘ tutor ’ , ‘ lecturer ’ , ‘ professor ’ and indeed ‘ student ’ is testimony to the particular character of the teacher-learner relationship .
15 Our hobby , and the fact that we fund it ourselves , is something to be proud of .
16 Management consultants , P A , were commissioned to review the options for Warren Spring 's future and it was evident from the technical synergies and the fact that we had appropriate accommodation at Culham/Harwell — coupled with our ‘ enthusiastic response ’ — that the merger with AEA was the best way forward for all concerned .
17 That 's the basic idea and the fact that we do actually learn , becomes less mysterious .
18 In the light of the by-election result in Scotland and the fact that we have an opportunity only once a month to put our constituency interests , I appeal to you not to hear frivolous comments from Conservative Members but only real issues that concern Scottish Members of Parliament .
19 " We are delighted to have been awarded full Order off Merit status on the European Tour , and the fact that we are coming to Fulford and thereby preserving an unbroken record of 20 years championship golf in this region , is equally pleasing , " said Paul Vaughan , Sponsorship Director of Whitbread & Company .
20 The saving in officer time , shop steward time , and the fact that we fight one another for the same people to join our organization , would be savings great indeed .
21 These differences might be due to lower doses used insome of the studies , short measurement periods after oral ingestion that might not have been sufficient to reach effective drug concentrations , and the fact that we investigated oesophageal motility on day four of oral drug treatment .
22 There was a healthy balance for nineteen ninety three and this was mainly due to members supporting raffles and the fact that we have not put the show stand off at the British Aquarist Festival for a couple of years .
23 I explained to him about what we 've done up to date and the fact that we 've yet to sort the account out properly .
24 Er , and in this instance I have consistently erm , asked that we , we do all we can , to allow us to spend our capital receipts , and the fact that we had the holiday last year was er , er , of of great benefit to this this council , erm , there are er times when we should er perhaps be putting money into reserves or paying off debt , but this council should be allowed to make those decisions rather
25 Erm and the fact that we 're making over sixty per cent margin i is good business for us in such Okay it 's only twenty K , but potentially longer term when the recovery comes , they 're gon na be
26 ‘ I 'm happy with our current position and the fact that we are still undefeated .
27 I understand that this was pretty common , quite common throughout British Railways , it took a few years to knit together you know , the nationalization and the fact that we were just the same railway after that .
28 Given the stance of policy approved Policy I eleven in relation to B eight development and the fact that we are here discussing an alteration not a review and replacement of the structure plan , does anyone around the table she said looking hard at Mr Saunders , see any difficulty in the panel poten potentially recommending a policy which would be in direct wi conflict with the policy which is not before it ?
29 But not this year , but because we found ourselves in a very embarrassing situation with the forty point limit and the fact that we 've got Hans Nielson on ten point three two which you know , is good in one respect , but it erm makes very difficult situations down the bottom end .
30 But the fact that we can perceive no connection does not , for Locke , mean that there may not be one there .
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