Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun pl] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Gerber , with 19 international tries in 24 Tests , is considering retirement when he returns to the Republic , insisting : ‘ When you are 24 your mistakes are forgiven , but when you are my age every game has to be excellent or the critics give you a difficult time .
2 Anyway , in case the police or the soldiers stop you , better for both of us if I 'm not your passenger . ‘
3 If you want an Italian restaurant where the waiters bring you menus instead of shouting at you , where they leave the lights on instead of turning them off every twenty minutes , and where they make you get up and dance before they 'll turn them on again , then do n't try the Vecchio Reccione , however convenient it is for Stringfellows .
4 where the walls jostle you and brush your arm
5 Where the blazes have you been ? ’ he demanded before she could blink .
6 If you did , the police would get involved , and that 's the last thin– anyone wants 'cause the pimps terrify you as far as the police are concerned .
7 That the Americans called you in to protect our friend Heinrich Trimmler .
8 And now I 'm certain that the gods sent you .
9 Do you mean to tell me that the girls ask you for such stuff as you have been reading ?
10 ‘ Do n't you even mind that the villagers think you unapproachable ? ’
11 Mick looked at me for a couple of moments and , scratching his head , he replied If the Marines want you to play your bagpipes in their area , and you agree to do it , then you are all bloody mad .
12 ( If the sounds cause you real difficulty you may need to mimic each word across , before you mimic them in pairs . )
13 If the fans see you working with the right attitude , they 'll get behind you .
14 I mean , if the police stop you on the motorway , you know you 're for it , whether you 've done anything or not .
15 If the neighbours saw you and me together , Kellard , they might talk .
16 Well if you were that close and the lights started you 'd probably get across .
17 The way we look at it is , there 's people out there want to kill me , and the authorities let you in here and give you access to more than we will probably ever get .
18 You arrive for your sound check at 6.00pm and the organisers ask you if you can practise elsewhere .
19 Your eyes look at the instruments and the instruments tell you you 're fine , you 're flying level .
20 If you have forty children and desks for all of them , a set of recommended texts and a full complement of teaching time , the syllabus is for you and the texts help you .
21 But the police say you are breaking the law in doing this .
22 The preferable position , I 've got to say is the position two , unless the circumstances allow you to be in position one .
23 You 're nostalgic for childhood whilst it happens to you because the dreams show you the landscape you 're passing through , but you do n't know yet that you want to escape .
24 Get down there quickly , before the cops beat you to it . ’
25 He says to Sarah , ‘ I know that you are a woman beautiful to behold , and when the Egyptians see you , they will say , ‘ This is his wife ’ ; then they will kill me , but they will let you live .
26 When the children arrive you give them each a balloon and make up a convenient number of teams .
27 To dance , it seems , is not by choice : you dance when the drums call you and you stop when whatever moves you to dance ceases .
28 As the blocks fall you must guide them to align similar objects .
29 As soon as the eggs hatch you will need to provide a plentiful supply of the plant that the caterpillar feeds on .
30 That was as far as the books said you should go .
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