Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun pl] that [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The argument runs something like this , whether in the territories that were once Yugoslavia or the islands that will one day no longer be the United Kingdom : since the state mainly belongs to them , we others are excluded , and therefore want to seek to establish our own state .
2 The Woonerven experience in Holland was an early indication Or the benefits that can arise when changes in the law accompany changes in physical design , yet these cross-fertilisation benefits are not realised when just one form of speed deterrent is strengthened .
3 I 've received very few replies so the signs can be erected and B either a deputy co-ordinator or the deputies that should come in , now some some oblige a lot of them do n't
4 Import controls Controls over imports from abroad , notably the supply of raw materials to companies from a foreign parent company , or the prices that can be paid for such imports .
5 There appears to be no policy in relation to dementia either from the point of view of the sufferer or the problems that might follow for other owner-occupiers .
6 Many business issues manifestly demand knowledge that would not normally be possessed by the lay person , for example , concerning the risks inherent in marketing new products , the techniques for maintaining cash-flow , or the steps that should be taken to guard against currency fluctuations , not to mention technical issues specific to particular industries .
7 Britain 's local councils charge £6-10 a ton to put solid waste in landfills : a price , say the commercial firms , that does not reflect capital investment or the sums that must be et aside to ensure a landfill is properly maintained during its 30 years or so of life .
8 Okay , it is often argued that , I mean this is the principal reason why agricultural trade has n't been in the GATT negotiations , because agricultural er , protectionism has been enshrined in domestic agricultural policy , govern policy makers will say , we are protecting er , our own domestic industries right , because we , because of er , erm , deleterious effects that would be imposed , or the burdens that would be imposed on domestic agriculture if we did n't , we do n't think that the fabric of the rural society could withstand the reversion to laissez faire in agricultural goods .
9 The people who had the imagination or ability to do it where the ones that could speak the languages , the ones that did n't
10 The first is that the donations that would be made would go to charitable social service agencies providing for the same groups as statutory agencies .
11 Now , we hear time and time again of the one million capital that was spent and yes and I do hope that the provisions that will now be made through a combined budget which Mr seems to think is half a million but I can assure you it is not half a million however , I do I can further reassure him that by the time the Highfields er and Moat management committee have gone through with this it will be half a million , there will be a proper budget provision as it should have been in the last five to six years .
12 This can be used to calculate the required information ; it turns out that the improvements that can be achieved by access frequency loading are to reduce accesses to synonyms from 34.06 per cent to 28.4 per cent for single — record buckets , and from 8.59 per cent to 4.90 per cent for ten-record buckets .
13 The difficulties involved in trying to explicate the concept are so insidious and irksome that , understandably perhaps , one is often tempted to say that they are not crucially important and that the problems that can be profitably discussed in relation to experiences are no different from those that arise in connection with any other " natural phenomena " ; and , consequently , that the method of investigation with regard to all phenomena , experiences included , is , or at any rate , ought to be , the same .
14 In that task I am assisted by a team of six managers , all of whom are professional nurses and district nurses or health visitors and they of course are there to advise me on professional issues , and to share with me the management task of using the resources of Oxford City in the way that we feel is best appropriate , and in doing that , I think one of the important things for us to do , I do n't think we do it quite as well as we should , is to work more closely with the local council , and to look really at what the needs of our local communities are for health , and to try and make sure that the feelings that might well be expressed by individuals , either individually , or through caring associations , or through other statutory agencies , or through voluntary health organisations , are actually given a chance to be there , and to influence our , that official policy and constituents , and to , to influence the planning process .
15 It is significant that the regions that would be eligible to benefit from RECHAR are supporting the European Commission 's attitude and not the Government 's .
16 How could it be that the cells that will form the gut and the bones and muscles are on the outside of the early embryo , yet they will form structures that are clearly on the inside of the animal ?
17 From today 's disclosures , it would appear that the savings that would come from the setting up of a small number of large authorities will be less than was originally suggested .
18 I believe that those provisions make it abundantly clear that the penalties that will be visited upon those who attempt to corrupt youth will be stern and relentless .
19 Other people are hoping that the standards that can be set for the 7 , 11 and 14 tests must necessarily be so low that they need hardly be attended to .
20 I screamed vowel sounds and different registers more delicate than the others that would get me hoarser . ’
21 Though a topic for voluble discourse , it was less of a threat to the contented than the taxes that would have reduced it .
22 Even FD Roosevelt , he reminds us , had to tell lies about his fiscal intentions in order to get elected ( it is a pity the Labour Party did not see the proofs of this book ) ; and the famous fiscal deficit of the US , ‘ though a topic of voluble discourse ’ , was ‘ less of a threat to the contented than the taxes that would have reduced it ’ .
23 The ‘ User 's Guide to LIFESPAN ABLE ’ provides guidance on how to run ABLE and the conditions that must be satisfied before ABLE will allow modules to be entered into LIFESPAN .
24 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
25 It was time to forget about Ardakkeans and their mysterious phetam , and get back on course for Vadinamia and the problems that would surely be waiting for me there .
26 Unfortunately some users are taught that they need to create frames for everything and the problems that can arise from having one set of frames interact with another make you wonder how anybody ever manages to produce a correctly aligned publication .
27 At this point in the exercise , the use of the instruments had revealed a number of factors in terms of the requirements of the IPS , and the problems that could affect its implementation and effectiveness .
28 However , as the nervous system develops and the distances that must be crossed become greater , the tracks traced by individual nerve cell processes become increasingly elaborate , and cease to follow single pioneer pathways .
29 Apparently , too , Mrs Noble was becoming dubious about the friendship with Edward and the consequences that might follow the hasty pell-mell nature of her second daughter .
30 One would hope that major retailers will be clear in their minds about their activities and the consequences that may accrue .
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