Example sentences of "[conj] the [adj] [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Yet where the two do not like one another or the chemistry is wrong , the relationship will remain distant for the entire three years .
2 Lyotard holds that we can best understand the nature of the unconscious through examining precisely how it is not structured like a language , that the most important criterion of demarcation of the unconscious from the ego lies in the ways that the former does not operate as does language .
3 The difference between most ARC members and professional chefs , male or female , is that the former have not been through ‘ the system ’ .
4 In 1839 , the year of the Chartist petition to Parliament ( itself precipitated by the Act ) , Disraeli 's delinquent Lord Marney is pulling down as many of his cottages as possible so that the poor do not become a charge upon his parish .
5 He reminded people that the Japanese had not yet been defeated , but only people like Peggy Burns , whose son was a Japanese prisoner of war , dwelt on that fact .
6 It is fashionable among some general business academics to attack DCF by stating that the Japanese do not get caught up in ‘ DCF number games ’ but place more emphasis on corporate discussion and the generation of a consensus about whether the development being considered should go ahead or not .
7 There is a danger of assuming that the Japanese have not rejected the contemporary institutions of collectivism because they are accepted as ideal .
8 That the rich did not escape the scourge is evident at Crich in Derbyshire when , in October 1349 , William de Wakebridge added a small chantry chapel to the parish church in memory of his wife , his father , his two sisters and three brothers , all of whom had died of the plague in the summer of that year .
9 The State prosector had demanded heavier sentences but the court judged that the two had not carried out their plan but had only discussed it .
10 And I can not believe that the two did not exchange at length here , passing the very threshold of such a dominant historic occasion , an event which still burnt into the consciousness of all Scots at the time .
11 By themselves , these facts do not stand as a complete answer to the challenge : if the industrial co-operative form of organisation is more efficient than the conventional form , why is it that the first has not displaced the second but has remained until recently a negligible feature of the economy and , even now , can hardly be said to have become so far of more than marginal importance ?
12 The only problem is that the Dutch have not really been very good at the game since Dr Euwe retired .
13 However , the court held that the accused does not have this exception when he knows that what he proposes to do is a crime .
14 In all cases drunkenness may be material as showing that the accused had not the intention which forms part of the essence of the crime charged .
15 Gordon Jackson , QC , defending , said that the accused had not plunged the knife directly into Mr Kerr nine times , but had stabbed him in the course of the struggle .
16 Lord Sutherland said that the accused had not intended to cause death or even serious injury but he had shown reckless disregard for Mr Buckley 's safety .
17 It is true that the Irish have not genuinely embraced the fitness revolution and the real impact of the fitness factor is witnessed in the unpleasant sight of what fit teams are doing to Ireland .
18 In county politics much the same attitude prevailed , for in 1799 Admiral Lord Keith 's chief complaint about a presentation made by Lord Elphinstone was that the latter had not seen fit to agree to the wishes of an important laird , remarking that ‘ I should suppose Lord E. does not recollect that the Gleneagles people have 3 votes in Dumbarton .
19 The highest rating was £100 a year , the next 100 marks , which was equated with ‘ other ’ landowners of £100 , the implication perhaps being that the latter had not yet got as far as quartering their arms .
20 One could say that the pressing question is how it is possible to live , rather than what teleology to adopt ; or at least that the latter does not sort the former out .
21 ‘ This can mean that the latter does not move in response to levels of inflation in the way that the private investor thinks it should .
22 A typical instance can be seen when one person attempts to persuade another to do something that the latter does n't want to do , or to tell him something that he does n't want to hear .
23 Finally , we take it that effects depend on the causal items , and that the latter do not in this way depend on the former .
24 Indeed , many of the postures struck in the 19th century have been carried through to recent times ; the belief , for example , that the educated do not enter business is still widespread , if not endemic in the national consciousness .
25 He believes this conflict is responsible for the ‘ crisis ’ in film , television and pop , pointing out that the Sixties saw not only the easing of censorship but also a massive decline in cinema attendances .
26 Secondly , it appears that the military do not use Range West much .
27 Well thank you , I , I 'll leave to Norbert the handling of the artist 's side of this , but as to the amateur sportsman , I know this is a very familiar and accepted notion among us , that the British do n't take sport seriously enough , but I wonder if it 's not one of the many self-delusions that we suffer from .
28 I would contend that it is a major strength of the British legislation that the MMC did not have to decide whether the firms had ‘ really colluded ’ .
29 Thousands of ostraka have been dug up , the most famous being a batch of 191 with Themistocles 's name inscribed on them by only four separate hands — either fraud or an anti-Themistocles hit squad ensuring that the illiterate did not miss the chance to vote .
30 When one considers the huge cost overruns the West has on each new fighter , tank and warship , it is hard to believe that the same does not happen in Russia .
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