Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] [conj] then " in BNC.

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1 It would erm , provide er , a base where activities could take place in that area , but whilst not , if you like , not directly benefiting the Social Services Committee , or the people that then go to it , would indirectly benefit us in that it would be available for youth and other activities in support of the community that have a knock-on effect er , as far as we 're concerned .
2 Well , if I may , Chair , I would like deal with it in terms of the principle or the policy and then the application to highways planning .
3 Er Diamonds was the name of the farm or the place and then it came along to the lighthouse corner .
4 This is somewhat similar to Olson 's ( 1982 ) argument that the rise and then decline of countries can be linked to their degree of pluralism — an argument which has found little substantial empirical support .
5 If you have decided to use a mount , the card or fabric should be cut slightly smaller than the mount and then taped to it securely .
6 ‘ Ah , Wilson , ’ Miss Hawarth had said with a smile , ‘ the keeper is more important than the house and then there are your connections , you know . ’
7 The contributions that were to be offered with the study of process may be surveyed from the viewpoint of soil science and the biogeographer , from that of the climatologist and the geomorphologist and then from the field of hydrology which to some extent provided a new focus of interest for physical geographers and one that proffered a link between at least the geomorphic and climatic aspects of physical environment .
8 But I , I mean through the nineteen fifties there is a reasonable measure of co-operation between the Russians and the Chinese and then from the beginning of the nineteen sixties and onwards there is conflict between Russia and China .
9 It 's a great big , it 's little snack bars everywhere and they 've got the Italian and the Chinese and then they 've got the
10 I thanked her for them and the poster and then phoned George , who talked to me in monosyllables .
11 Ageist assumptions connecting old age with ill-health can often arise from the extreme social isolation and withdrawal experienced by many older people , the self-neglect that this can cause , and the illness that then arises from this neglect .
12 I 'll go and look at that potato thing and the meat and then I 'll see .
13 And I had my name down for Sue Ryder 's and the Legion and then a vacancy fell due here
14 So er I went down the Red Lion in Willenhall and fixed him up for a night 's dosh , did n't I , and the driver and then er I worked on , worked on and on and was able to get these er done for him to take back to fit this ship .
15 And then they had the handles and the tassels and then the top there was a tin sort of plate .
16 One and the table and then the six .
17 As one mother in Ritchie 's study of families on benefit noted : ‘ I buy half a pound of stewing meat or something and give that to Sid and the kiddies and then I just have the gravy — before I used to buy soya things and substitutes to meat but I ca n't afford that now ’ ( Ritchie , 1990 , p. 35 ) .
18 And the distillery and then , of course , there was camps at the Belt
19 It 's an easy , it 's a lot less fiddly than slash and then trying to find the R and the E and then enter .
20 I listened to her and the sisters and then I went and picked up Orlando from school .
21 And a thousand men stayed , they were boasting , to level the church and the hall and the monastery and then leave to do the same to Scone and to Perth .
22 You 've got to add the butter and the bacon and then fry them until crisp .
23 So tell him , if you must , but also tell his brother and the butcher and the baker and the candle-stick-maker and then you will never know who has betrayed you and you can , to some degree at least , go on loving your friend .
24 Here you know you had the Town Council and the District and then the County .
25 I phoned Debby to get Steven 's phone number to get him to leave out the microphone and the amplifier and then he brought up the microphone and did n't bring up the amplifier .
26 Now in a way what you could say what we have here is a trunk of a tree and the branches and then the leaves and the fruit at different levels on this .
27 Shiloh was some twenty miles from the camp , but the storyteller does not dwell on the sight of the Israelites ( and the Philistines , too ! ) twiddling their thumbs while the runner and then the ark are on their way .
28 Wait till after the jubilee and then we 'll go . ’
29 The air is compressed at the same frequency as the vibrations and then expands , compressing the air next to it .
30 In Suleyman 's time he returned to the medrese stream , teaching as far as the Sahn and then becoming kadi successively in Aleppo , Damascus and Istanbul , in retirement from which last post he died in 963/1555–6 .
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