Example sentences of "[conj] set up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 But normally either the land was eventually to be divided equally between the children or , more typically where land was scarcer , the land itself would go to a single son and provision be made for the other children in cash — very often advanced earlier in life , on marriage or to set up in a trade .
2 As with all guitar noise problems , this effect is most prevalent when the amp is very loud , or set up for an overdrive sound .
3 I think one of the things the American companies often do is that , rather than set up on a green field site , they often buy into an existing company , erm , and therefore it 's , it 's , it 's a , it 's a somewhat different form of investment to the
4 The Buddha of Suburbia is about filling that vacuum , which Karim 's father does by leaving his wife for his single-breasted girlfriend and setting up as a Bromley guru , or escaping from it , which Karim himself does by moving north of the river in search of new mainly sexual , experience .
5 In 1799 , having decided that strict attention to work was undermining his health , Edwards turned his business over to R. H. Evans [ q.v. ] and set up as a gentleman collector .
6 At sixteen he ran away from Harrow , and set up as a film director , work which took him to central Europe and east Africa , but proved financially unrewarding .
7 In 1889 he left the lace business in search of larger fortunes and set up as a stockbroker in Nottingham .
8 He fled to Cyprus without his wife and set up as a storekeeper and contractor .
9 In the foundation 's view , arthritis should be taken out of that conglomerate and set up in a new and separate institute , which would bring the total number of institutes at NIH to 12 .
10 When set up as a Novell 3.11 file server the DC-2031 cached IDE host card only really made its presence felt on the 128Kb Sequential Read Test , improving performance by about 15 per cent .
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