Example sentences of "[conj] turn [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 So , the perfectionist might be instructed to do something wrong at work , or deliberately blemish their appearance , or turn up to the group five minutes late .
2 And turns again to the stove , furiously stirring .
3 Rosa 's look cut her short , and turning stoutly to the children , with quite uncharacteristic toughness towards her mother , she demanded , ‘ What 's it like ? ’
4 Quadrant Park is a great , glitzy three- storeyed chasm of a club in Bootle , which on Saturday nights becomes a suffocating fleshpit of 2,500 north-western ravers tuned in and turned on to the house sound of Merseyside .
5 He gave a quick , curt nod to the soldiers on duty and turned on to the Al Ain road .
6 The driver revved up enthusiastically and turned on to the October Bidge .
7 He laughed and turned away to the hearth .
8 With a final effort that she felt in every nerve of her body , she jerked her hand from his and turned away to the fire .
9 Mr Zamoyski unfolded his arms , shrugged and turned again to the back room , ending the interview .
10 Greg took down Twentieth Century Authors and turned unhopefully to the Ms. There he was !
11 She picked it up and turned casually to the dressing-table .
12 Very flat on the bottom and turned up to the bow and that 's what the salmon fishers used in the in the rivers for pulling their nets in and fishing salmon on the .
13 He surfaced from his thoughts and turned back to the room .
14 ‘ Let us hope his butler was too drunk to remember faces , ’ he said shortly , and turned back to the work .
15 He swung the gun up again , fired wildly at that thrashing form and turned back to the staircase .
16 He rose unsteadily and turned back to the shattered windows , breath coming in sobs .
17 Bob became embarrassed at his own effusiveness , and turned back to the screen , tapping out the rhythm with his fingers on the side of his glass .
18 Iris , seated at the dressing-table , paused in the act of brushing her short , mouse-brown hair , glanced briefly through the window and turned back to the mirror without comment .
19 He glared at Maggie for a second longer and then gathered the reins and turned back to the door .
20 Shrugging off the thoughts with his greatcoat , he threw the latter over one of the two big tables and turned back to the fire .
21 Lady Usk watched him wend a hasty path towards his wife and turned back to the window to find that Miss Kyte was standing stock-still on the terrace , staring in at her .
22 Midwinter came into the frame of the door and turned back to the room beyond to clap gently with his white-gloved hands .
23 Killion glanced at him , and turned back to the Scotch thistle .
24 She looked me up and down and said , ‘ Oh , it 's you , is it ? ’ and turned back to the wicker hopper on the bike , delving into its depths with both hands , surfacing with long packages wrapped in newspaper .
25 Through the front window Mrs Mann saw him at the gate , and turned quickly to the girl who worked with her .
26 She surfaced as the car slowed down and turned sharply to the right .
27 But put aside the question-begging character of the premiss , and turn instead to the conclusion .
28 From West Bagborough school walk uphill for 150yds and turn left to the church .
29 I put my Summerchild file aside and turn back to the Quality of Life .
30 Cos if you g if anybody go down there now they could see where what we call the Pier Head , so ships had to go up there and turn in to the lock gate .
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