Example sentences of "[conj] about [adj] per cent " in BNC.

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1 This was not just a matter of helping a company and a colony in trouble ; imports were easy to tax , governments found that luxury products were particularly satisfying because their sales were not depressed by high import duties , and tobacco paid duty at a shilling a pound or about 100 per cent of the wholesale price .
2 Since federal expenditure on administration was only 48 billion dinars , expenditure on this item by all other agencies appears to have been 355 billion dinars , or about 3.8 per cent of adjusted social product in that year .
3 In 1979 , for example , of the 80,000 full-time teachers employed in further education only just over 36,000 , or about 45 per cent , were trained in that they had successfully completed a course of professional training approved by the DES .
4 One result of this change was that the number of households enumerated was about 300 thousands more under the new definition or about 13 per cent ( Todd and Griffiths , 1986 ) .
5 The mean or average amount was nearly 8 a month or about 0.76 per cent of average earnings .
6 By the end of the decade it was importing 8–9 million barrels per day , or about 30 per cent of OPEC output .
7 Although Labour was defeated in the General Election of 1924 , the election which saw the publication of the ‘ Zinoviev Letter ’ with the allegation that it revealed the Communist intention to stir the masses of workers to revolution through using the Labour Party and the Anti-Soviet treaty , its vote increased by more than one million , or about 24 per cent , even though the number of Labour MPs was reduced from 191 to 151 .
8 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
9 He partly supported this belief by the fact that of the 3,700 books or articles listed in the two-volume Criminology Index ( Wolfgang , Figlio , and Thornberry 1975 ) which reviews theoretical and empirical work in criminology from 1945 to 1972 , there were only ninety-two , or about 2.5 per cent , dealing with white-collar or corporate crime .
10 Environmental protection in the UK cost £14 billion in 1991 , or about 2.5 per cent of the country 's GNP , according to a report by the Department of the Environment , with about one third of the total being paid by the government and the rest by industry and consumers .
11 Between 1979 and 1990 , 1,250,000 council houses , or about 20 per cent of the total stock , was sold to sitting tenants .
12 Duodenal ulcers are more common than gastric ulcers in the UK where about 10 per cent of the population have ulcers or ulcer scars .
13 In other words , a child with an MLU which falls below the bottom of this range is relatively unusual in so far as her MLU is lower than about 85 per cent of ordinary children .
14 Turnout at general elections is seldom more than about 75 per cent so Gallup asked voters : How likely is it that you will go out and vote in the General Election ?
15 In particular , because directness and safety are often traded-off by individual cyclists , safe routes must not be more than about ten per cent longer than less-safe , but direct , alternatives .
16 You will have noted the additional appointment of at least one wine waiter : the fact that the total wages bill has n't increased by more than about 2.2 per cent suggests that there have been some compensating reductions , probably in the part-time staff , and almost certainly in view of the decline in trade .
17 Calculations based on this assumption , however , indicated that any uplift would be confined to the region over which stretching occurs and that no uplift at all would occur if the thickness of the crust were less than about 20 per cent of the thickness of the lithosphere .
18 From her Mexican study , Eckstein reports that about 38 per cent of the men with factory and white-collar jobs said they obtained their work through a personal acquaintance ( Eckstein 1977 ) .
19 Bradshaw and Millar ( 1991 ) found that about 17 per cent of the single mothers in their sample had lived with their former partners before becoming a lone parent .
20 Bradshaw and Millar found that about 85 per cent of all lone mothers had spent some time on income support since becoming a lone parent with 72 per cent still in receipt at the time of the interview .
21 After the Paris meeting it was announced that about 85 per cent of this amount had been pledged , with donors promising $300,000,000 in debt relief and between $800,000,000 and $900,000,000 in grants and loans , mainly to finance imports required for the economic recovery programme .
22 It is estimated that about 75 per cent of the union 's members in Hackney and Tower Hamlets voted in the ballot , supported officially by NUT national leaders .
23 The German Foreign Ministry called for a fairer distribution of the burden of aid to the CIS , citing figures produced by the European Commission which showed that about 75 per cent of all aid to the Soviet Union since September 1990 had come from the EC and 57 per cent from Germany alone ( the figure included humanitarian aid , credits and special payments for troop withdrawal made by Germany ) .
24 On the basis of the present issue of statements this would mean that about two per cent of the child population are judged as likely to fall outside the provision of the 1988 Act .
25 A recent study by the North London Polytechnic shows that about 27 per cent of men have been victims of some unwanted sexual contact before they are 18 , compared to over 50 per cent for women .
26 Overall it seems likely that about 10 per cent of the population aged 65 + experiences depressive illness of clinical significance ( Table 5.7 ) .
27 The preliminary findings of an EC report on air pollution in Europe have concluded that about 10 per cent of the European Community 's forests have been damaged by sulphur emissions .
28 Indications of the likely proportions come from studies in two Dutch towns and in Berlin , which show some 20 per cent of injury-related accidents in built-up areas occurring on typical residential streets , and from OECD members who report that about thirty per cent of urban accidents occur on non-arterial roads .
29 In the USA it is estimated that about 80 per cent of collective agreements are confined to employees of a single company and about two-thirds are limited to a single plant ( Cohen , 1975 ) .
30 He indicated that about 80 per cent of the additional oil would come from stockpiles and the balance from measures to reduce demand .
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