Example sentences of "[conj] over [adj] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Labourers ' wives who married at age 20 to 24 during the first decade of this century had on average 4.8 live births , or over 80 per cent more than the wives of professionals .
2 In 1882 the Congregational Union studied the problem of low stipends and reported that of 1,527 ministers in charge of chapels in England and Wales , 668 or over 43 per cent received under £150 p.a .
3 There are villages in Lika , Kordun , Banija and Gorski Kotor , between Zagreb and the northern Adriatic coast , where over 70 per cent of the present-day inhabitants are Serbs .
4 In a society such as the United Kingdom where over 50 per cent of workers are in the service sector compared with only 30 per cent in manufacturing , new technology in the office may have more consequences than robots in the factory for job loss .
5 The World Bank has emphasised the need for increased agricultural investment in LDCs where over 60 per cent of the labour force is employed on the land , together with land reform ( re-distribution of land ownership in favour of peasant farmers ) .
6 A 1975/6 random daytime survey for the Department of the Environment revealed that over 7 per cent of the tapwater in England exceeded the EC limit while in Scotland the figure was over 34 per cent .
7 Nevertheless the ideal is important if labour is encouraged to believe that it is a desirable norm and social surveys show that over 85 per cent of employees express the desire to spend their whole working career with just one firm .
8 Nevertheless the 1976 English House Condition Survey found that over 5 per cent of the rural housing stock was still unfit , and by 1981 this had risen to 6.7 per cent ( Department of the Environment 1978 , 1982 ) .
9 Not all α-granules may respond in the same way to secretory stimuli ; for example , Zucker et al ( 1979 ) , who found that over 80 per cent of platelet factor VIII-related antigen was present in the α-granules could only demonstrate the release of 30 per cent of this in response to stimulation with collagen .
10 Nature 's mysteries frequently stem from ambiguities and extremes of scale : for example , an x-ray scanner is needed to show that over 99 per cent of solid matter is empty space .
11 Professor Davis has calculated that over 75 per cent of the growth in English exporting over the first half of the eighteenth century depended on either southern Europe or the Americas .
12 Phillips and Williams ( 1982b ) found that over 10 per cent of the 1,000 applicants in South Devon were living in bedsitters or caravans , while about one in five were sharing a kitchen , bathroom or WC ; 5 per cent were living in accommodation that lacked at least one of these facilities , and some even lacked mains electricity or water .
13 Yet a survey study of the 1983 election found that this section of the electorate was the most right-wing of all on issue questions about privatization , incentives versus equality , trade union rights , and comprehensive schools , and that over 70 per cent of them voted Conservative in the election .
14 Note , that over 70 per cent of Albion Bank 's other currency assets take this form and constitute part of the euro-currency market .
15 A Swedish study of 19 bottle-fed babies with colic found that over 70 per cent improved when changed to formula feeds that did not contain whole cow's-milk protein .
16 In the 30-member Tehran constituency all 30 members elected were pro-Rafsanjani candidates , and it was now claimed that over 70 per cent of the elected deputies supported Rafsanjani and the reformist policies of the grouping known as Jameh-ye Ruhaniyat Mobarez ( Society of Combatant Clergymen ) .
17 Early estimates indicated that over 70 per cent of voters , out of an electorate of 2,300,000 , voted against .
18 For instance , it has been estimated that over 70 per cent of the North American Cordillera is made up of displaced terranes ( Fig. 3.31 ) .
19 Figures from the forest report of the UN ECE 1989 show that over 64 per cent of all tree species in the UK have slight to severe defoliation .
20 In 1991 research in Strathclyde showed that over 49 per cent of children surveyed were working illegal hours and that 26 out of 65 children were working in prohibited environments or illegal jobs .
21 Through promoting rural voluntary action and developing community care in rural areas , the rural team never let us forget that over twenty per cent of the population live in rural areas .
22 Now , with unemployment set to reach two million by Christmas , they are no longer welcome and it 's estimated that over 60 per cent are unemployed .
23 An RAC survey also found that over 60 per cent of motorists are thinking of buying a used car , instead of a new one , in order to save money .
24 In support of this contention he quotes research done by Thorpe , who found in a study of long-term foster-children that only 27 per cent had contact with their parents every six months or more frequently and that over 60 per cent of natural parents did not know where their children were living , with only 21 per cent feeling encouraged by their social worker to maintain contact .
25 Similarly , the fact that over 60 per cent of Britain 's exports were dependent on the declining and low-productivity industries in coal , steel , shipbuilding and cotton , caused severe structural problems and rapidly increasing unemployment , when the new pattern of domestic and foreign demand became relatively stabilized in the 1920s .
26 Very recent figures on the precise extent of subcontracting are difficult to obtain but the Fifth Basic Survey of Industry ( 1979 ) showed that over 60 per cent of small and medium-sized firms ( i.e. up to 300 employees ) were dependent on orders from other firms .
27 The police report that over 40 per cent of burglaries of urban dwellings are break-ins to basement flats .
28 Notice that over 40 per cent of those people unemployed on the day of the count had been without work for over a year .
29 The government 's critics charge that the area to be protected includes bogs , rock and tundra and that over 86 per cent of the surviving big trees will be cut by MacMillan Bloedel , a logging company in which the government recently invested C$50 million .
30 For example , in a survey of the Iron and Steel Industry during 1979 , it was found that over 90 per cent of subcontracting companies employed over 300 workers ( Mesatoshi 1980 p.51 ) .
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