Example sentences of "[conj] while she [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 While equally the white lesbian sister has got to understand that while she 's unified with this Asian lesbian sister there are differences , there are differences some of which are good and some of which are bad , and we have to be frank about them and to struggle around them because we ca n't just pretend that they do n't exist , then we 're not going to reach anywhere .
2 They , they think now that they 've got a feeling that this might be taken out , all these testing schemes and stuff because I said to them , While their argument is that while she 's doing these SAT schemes , and she 's following this , she 's all worked up ,
3 Except that while she was loving him , gazing wonderingly at his blind eyes , Dr Neil said suddenly and hoarsely , ‘ Quick , McAllister ; put the baby in the drawer over there and bring me as much towelling as you can . ’
4 Only when the head of accounting ( ’ an ‘ acceptable ’ woman 's role ’ ) took her to one side and showed her the company 's payroll did she realise that while she was bringing in the most revenue , she was being paid the smallest salary .
5 Madame imagined that while she was doing this to Boy she would tell him everything she knew , she would talk to him quietly each night whilst brushing his hair before bedtime .
6 The party 's failure hit her pretty hard and while she was determined to comfort her husband , it was he that ended up comforting her . ’
7 Her mission , she explained , was of the greatest delicacy and while she was loathe to broach the matter with the matriarch of the De Belvings , it was too serious to be discussed with anyone but the most trusted member of the household staff .
8 And while she was concentrating on Tavett she watched Shildon , reflected in the glass of a painting on the wall in front of her , slide his hand a few inches along the couch , flip open her bag and feel through the contents .
9 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
10 When we got to Nelly 's the fire was low , but while she was collecting newspapers I filled the kettle and using the old leather bellows stoked up the heat .
11 But while she was setting out plates , a tongue of fury ripped along her spine .
12 Oddly enough , it was not during one of these silences but while she was talking that her eyes closed and her shallow breathing became deeper .
13 For while she was working on the Channel Four movie , Rubber Stamp , it was revealed that her sideline was staging sex shows .
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