Example sentences of "[conj] work at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly all wives of the Ambassadors at the Court of St James 's take charge , or work at a stall .
2 However , the burgeoning folk revival of the 50s and 60s offered her a welcome release , and eventually she won a respected place in the circuit of folk festivals and folksong clubs , singing material not only from her mother 's repertoire but also from a personal ‘ collection ’ gathered when hawking , or working at the tatties .
3 WABI was written by people that worked at the BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd and later at Integrated Technologies Inc .
4 So anybody that worked at the baking trade and was twenty seven was reserved .
5 If you must use a painting program then it is essential to use one that works at the resolution of the output device .
6 The girl that works at the garage , sh next door to that .
7 Under their new paymasters , filmmakers were no longer interested in the sort of inner tensions that work at the heart of the more intense and exciting British films .
8 In the meantime , the director who would have done it , who is a name director , has asked me to go and work at the RSC because she 's now busy for exactly that period of time .
9 ‘ I 'm going to come and work at the school , ’ said Maisie .
10 I wonder why he did n't go and work at the bank ? ’
11 Whatever the justification there may have been in the past , when a high degree of ability may have been necessary to acquire and work at the trade , that reason has forever passed away if it ever was more than a trade gild superstition .
12 He , too , was a writer and worked at a brewery — as Havel had done — keeping his thoughts to himself .
13 The detective , whose name and rank have not been given , is a member of the Essex force and worked at the Brentwood office of the No 5 Regional Crime Squad , covering a large area of East Anglia and the South-east .
14 But instead he was chosen to be a collector to bring back seed of the dove-tree , Davidia involucrata , and worked at the Coombe Wood nursery of ( Sir ) Harry Veitch [ q.v. ] , before leaving for China in 1899 .
15 She held one of the first Beit research fellowships ( 1910–14 ) , and worked at the Lister Institute for Preventive Medicine with ( Sir ) Arthur Harden [ q.v . ] .
16 Anyway , I 'd been staying with them in darkest Kensington , at Mr Gibbon 's very grand , three-storeyed town-house in Ascot Square , just off Addison Road , and working at a branch of Mondo-Food on Victoria Street ( they were trying a new line in Haggisburgers at the time and the manager thought my accent would help shift them .
17 To be fair to be fair to him I think that he would erm he 's set his heart on going and working at the lawn mower place on the production line
18 She was n't at all sure she wanted to be shown this short-cut through the woods , although Isabelle must have used it many times , when she was living at Les Hiboux and working at the château .
19 And working at the Shakespeare School of English does n't exactly hinder me in that direction .
20 So I was still in Berry then and working at the grammar school , so we had to walk across all three causeways for some time .
21 Mr Molloy contacted the council planning officer and work at the Beadlow Manor Golf and Country Club , Beds , was halted .
22 Corbett spoke about his early life , his wars in Wales and work at the Chancery .
23 The annual celebration of the ‘ World day of the Sick ’ , therefore , has the manifest purpose of making the People of God and , as a consequence , the many Catholic health care institutions and civil society itself , more aware of the necessity of ensuring the best possible care for the infirm ; of helping the sick person to make the most of suffering , on the human level , but most of all on the supernatural one ; of especially helping the dioceses , Christian communities and religious families to be involved in the health care of apostolate ; of enhancing the ever more valuable commitment of volunteers ; or reminding people of the importance of the spiritual and moral training of health care workers , and last of all of creating a better understanding of the importance of religious care for the sick among diocesan and religious priests , as well as among those who live and work at the side of the person in pain .
24 Gestodene is a progestogen in the contraceptive pill Femodene , but work at the King 's College and Royal Marsden Hospitals , London shows that — in a test-tube situation — it inhibits growth of cancer cells .
25 TWO barmaids claimed social security benefit while working at a Kiki 's bar in Darlington , a court heard yesterday .
26 He died after an incident while working at a house in Beech Grove Road , Middlesbrough .
27 While working at the cinema , for instance , he tried to repair a cistern and ended up flooding the place .
28 Gombrich sombrely recalled hearing about Auschwitz while working at the BBC Monitoring Service during the war : ‘ They claimed at that time — I remember that as if it were yesterday — they claimed that at least five million people had been killed , and I remember a colleague of mine coming to me to check this figure , because it seemed impossible .
29 David Greetham , 28 , of Wales Street , Aberdeen , is accused of embezzling £5,135.08 while working at the Dalmahoy Hotel , Golf and Country Club at Kirknewton , near Edinburgh , between 1 February and 8 November , 1991 .
30 Lawrie , 34 , of Broughton Road , Edinburgh , admitted stealing the cash while working at the Thistle Foundation 's offices in Niddrie Mains Road between June and November 1991 .
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