Example sentences of "[conj] still [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That was the best way to find out how good you were at your job , whether you could regard yourself as being on a par with the best — or still had a lot to learn .
2 During this time of testing , a sufferer from alcoholism mat say that he or she can not be alcoholic because he or she does not drink in the mornings or is still in regular employment or still has a home and family or perhaps only drinks wine and beer but never spirits or only drinks at the weekends .
3 He was pretty non commital about taking the England job saying that England were ‘ still in the WC & still had a manager and a good one at that ’ .
4 For a nostalgia that still strikes a chord today , here he is .
5 A complete contrast to this story of stability and continuity is provided by the successive owners of Balderton Hall , an Elizabethan timber-framed dwelling that still stands a mile or so to the east of Myddle village .
6 Just as she had predicted , Matthew had become a fine young man , tall and strong , and markedly handsome , with his wayward mop of brown hair and those dark violet eyes that still held a world of bitterness whenever they looked on her .
7 If you want special dishes with a difference that still have a sense of occasion and which are both tasty and good for you , then you could n't do better than choosing Tilda Basmati rice .
8 How industry can turn green and still turn a profit — balancing environmental liability with shareholder responsibility will be held on 19–20 March 1992 in London .
9 Two weeks on the beach at Mombasa , not in a hotel of course , but in the bungalow of an old friend who had survived freedom and independence in Kenya and still made a living out of East Africa 's import and export trade .
10 The tepidarium is in a remarkable condition and still possesses a barrel vaulted ceiling with rich stucco decoration , stucco ornamented walls and , on piers surrounding the room , the figures of miniature Atlantes two feet high ( PLATE 14 ) .
11 Economic theory would lead you to expect a net gain even in the EC — making it possible to compensate Western Europe 's producers for their losses and still show a gain for consumers and taxpayers .
12 Newcastle still enjoyed the King 's approval and still had a majority in the Commons , but he resigned because he realized that nobody could provide an adequate answer to Pitt 's attacks .
13 If I did n't go , I could have a summer holiday in Greece and still afford a skiing holiday in winter .
14 Swayze , 38 , star of Dirty Dancing and Ghost , was a carpenter before he turned to films and still owns a building firm .
15 It was less crowded at the rear of the room and he thought of pausing there , where he could watch la Principessa and still draw a breath of air that was not perfumed half to death , but then he patted the slender cigar in the breast pocket of the dinner-jacket that had been hand-tailored to fit his sinew-hardened body and decided that only a whiff of tobacco would fully cleanse his nostrils of the mix of scents that hung in the over-heated room .
16 You can be schizophrenic and still make a will that .
17 Unlike a jet operator , the owner of a piston-powered airliner can offer that motor manufacturer ( and other operations like him ) a relatively low fee to have an aircraft packed-out just awaiting the customer 's whim and still make a profit .
18 Can farmers cut spraying and still make a living ?
19 At that stage I was up to my sticky-out ears in Shetland 's music scene , and still harbouring a yearning to make a living from being a boring-but-sometimes-funny singer-songwriter .
20 Where average family size is only about two children , it is perfectly possible for women to delay marriage quite late — until their mid-30s — and still complete a family at or even above the average size .
21 As Mann says , this may be acceptable if the only evidence consists of a ‘ one-sided dialogue ’ where the suspect refuses to answer any questions at all , but where some , a significant number perhaps , are answered , it may be highly impracticable to sever a conversation in this way and still expect a jury to make sense of it .
22 Solid doors give privacy , while glazed versions allow light through , create a decorative screen and still give a feeling of space .
23 He was once a Hunt Saboteur and still has a dent in his buttocks to prove it .
24 Usually the negative feedback begins with ‘ but ’ : e.g. ‘ We were very lucky to get Harry fro the opposition because he 's the top marketing person in the country — but he knows nothing about our products and still has a lot to learn ’ .
25 The most chilling account , called Dark Side of The Sun , comes from Bob Duddle from Ashton near Preston who was the victim of a violent mugging and still has a bullet lodged in his stomach .
26 They will get their hands on Campbell this week anyway and still have a match winner in Knell .
27 For people of my generation , children of the sixties , sex and freedom are so inextricably connected that it is difficult for us to accept that someone can be totally uninhibited in bed and still have a Reader 's Digest mentality .
28 I still weigh 66 kilos and still have a galaxy of spots around my nose and all over my chin .
29 After the village has met all its needs for fodder , the energy potential of the remaining crop wastes and animal wastes is enough to fuel the village ( for cooking , pumping water , making fertilisers ) and still leave a surplus .
30 It is an intriguing machine , with records being broken as to how many people you can get onto a 2ft ×1ft footplate , and still run a train station .
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