Example sentences of "[conj] because it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A user may reject a document because it is in a language that he can not read or because it is dated .
2 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
3 In the courts political questions may come before the judges because the matter is already in public controversy , like race or industrial relations ; or because it is claimed that a public authority has exceeded its powers ; or because the matter concerns the activities of the police ; or because the matter impinges on the individual rights of citizens , affecting their freedom or their property .
4 Secondly , because of the integration between different components of the social system of the school , an innovation introduced by a single teacher will often have repercussions in other parts of the system — perhaps because there is a need for additional resources , or for more time , or because it is predicted [ sic ] upon new pupil roles , or involves a greater degree of integration .
5 It will not be easy but , even if it emerges as a successful project in the early 1990s , it will have succeeded because it suited the market , rather than because it was implemented as national policy .
6 This too was slow to arrive , but it has bags of extra features and because it 's bundled with the DOS version for a mere £299 , it has to be a bargain .
7 Different again is the dancing of the bedouin soldiers , at once chaste and erotic — ‘ chaste because it takes place among men , mostly holding one another by the elbow or the forefinger … erotic because it takes place between men , and because it 's performed before the ladies .
8 Foucault is most explicit on this , arguing that what he terms the ‘ repressive hypothesis ’ regarding Victorian sexuality is misleading : because it points to too narrow an interpretation of the family ; because it avoids class differentiation ; and because it is based on a negative rather than positive concept of power .
9 It prepared them for exactly the kind of material they can expect to see on the day — and because it is written by the examiners themselves , you can be sure that it tells you exactly what the examiners are looking for !
10 Because of the nature of the furnishings in a dining room ( a large , flat surface , empty walls ) and because it is needed to serve its purpose only at regular , specified times during the day ( meal times ) , it is an ideal room to serve as a collector 's library .
11 This association was not observed in women , and because it was noted in an unplanned subgroup analysis the authors urged that the finding should be interpreted cautiously .
12 But anyway the idea is that er the religion was , was suppressed in Ancient Egypt and because it was suppressed there , the people migrators went to the Promised Land , when they found the Promised Land there they stopped and founded a new , a new religious state , which of course is still with us .
13 and because it was classed as a professional foul Aizelwood was sent off …
14 The blood of circumcision served as a symbolic surrogate for the blood of childbirth , and because it was shed voluntarily and in a controlled manner , it transcended the bounds of nature and the passive blood flow of the mother at delivery and during the preparatory cycle for pregnancy , menstruation .
15 The canon would be largely English , not for a priori nationalistic reasons , but because it is written in English , and until fairly recently most poetry written in English was also written in England , or at least , in the British Isles .
16 The interesting implication of disregarding them is that in so far as the STV can operate and be judged as a PR system , it is not at all because it provides for transfers of votes , but because it is used in pluri-member constituencies in which candidates of more than one party can be voted for effectively .
17 Using one strand of 2/30 for the main yarn , at tension four , this gives a lightweight soft open fabric , but because it is woven it is stable ( swatch 5 ) .
18 At face value , this sketch of a German soldier would probably make about £20 , but because it 's signed by Adolf Hitler it may reach well over £1,000 when it 's auctioned in Gloucester next week .
19 Felt broke up in 1989 , not because of the usual tired catalogue of ‘ musical differences ’ or drug problems , but because it was written in the stars that they would break up .
20 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
21 Boy loved this letter not only because the man it had been sent to shared his new name , but because it was addressed by an older man to a lovelier , younger one .
22 The other reason was that a paternity suit had recently been brought against my opponent by one of the Council office cleaners , which caused a great deal of moral indignation — not so much on the poor woman 's behalf , I 'm afraid , as because it was felt he had ‘ lowered himself ’ .
23 The building was 84 metres high , though because it was situated on a hill , with five storeys below ground , it looks shorter than it is .
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