Example sentences of "[conj] because [pers pn] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 I can not imagine why yours have started so quickly , unless they are older than they look — they may have been kept in conditions where they have not grown on , due to overcrowding , or because they have been left with their parents for too long .
2 Some of the entries in the archive are marked as being obsolete , either because they represent Supplement entries which have been incorporated into earlier OED entries , or because they have been discarded by lexicographers and are not to be included in the New OED .
3 The referendum or plebiscite is a device viewed with suspicion in some quarters , largely because they have often been used to ratify or endorse decisions already taken or policies already embarked on , as was the case with Britain 's entry into the EEC , or because they have been staged , and the issue presented , in such a way as to produce the outcome wanted by the government which initiates them .
4 In many cases , mummy used to give you a sweet to ‘ make it better ’ or because you had been ‘ good ’ .
5 The plaintiff could not prove that the defendant knew it was a secret process either because of its nature or because he had been specifically told that it was and Vaisey J pointed out that if it were really secret it was surprising that the defendant 's employment had brought him into contact with it ; he had been to prison in the past .
6 A node that is in the A2 ( secondary activation ) state ( either because its stimulus has only recently been presented or because it has been activated internally by means of an excitatory associative link ) will not be able to move into Al .
7 The justice ministry said yesterday , however , that because they had been held for more than two years without trial , they were released .
8 If you 've snapped up one our handsome binders you 'll find , towards the end of the year , that because we 've been able to pack so many pages into Britain 's newest , brightest gardening magazine , things are getting , well , rather full .
9 But it 's definitely a unique sound , with that percussive effect that ca n't be recreated on an electric bass — and I know that because I 've been getting sampled a lot recently …
10 Furthermore , people vary in their tolerance from day to day , and it is not safe to assume that because you have been to 15,000 feet or so without oxygen before , you will be able to do it again .
11 As a book reviewer of some 25 years experience I am not , and never will be , of the school that thinks that because you have been given a free book , you should give a good review .
12 She had fought against him , tried to keep him out of her life , but was n't that because she had been afraid ?
13 And because they 've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life , they 're aware and starving .
14 The time difference between London and Mexico City is six hours , and because we had been travelling with the sun , it was still quite high in the sky as we descended into the sepia haze that hung over the whole flat expanse of what had once been a great lake .
15 The weather became very bitter up here and because it had been a bad summer I had kept two of my cattle in the byre by the house all the time .
16 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
17 And because I 'd been speaking slowly , my lip patterns were distorted .
18 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendants , contending that , because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendants .
19 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendant , contending that because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendant .
20 In a small number of cases the defendant will have deliberately driven without a licence because he ca n't pass a test ; he is a visitor to Britain and because he has been granted leave to stay , he now requires a licence etc. , i.e. within 12 months for a visitor .
21 Some of the patients with a curve in excess of 100° were no longer able to sit because of the pelvic obliquity consequent on the scoliosis ; they were bedridden not because of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy itself but because they had been allowed to develop such extensive spinal curves before referral to an orthopaedic muscle clinic .
22 No wait , there 's three men , there 's three men and they 're all getting sent to prison but because they 've been good they 're all gon na get a wish .
23 The dictator ( to look at one of Keith Graham 's examples ) who allowed everyone to decide for themselves what they wanted and then told them what they must do , is violating their autonomy not because their wants and needs are not realised in action , but because they have been coerced into doing something they do not want .
24 Three months later he was seized with chest pain , but because he had been told that his coronary artery was normal he developed an irresistible desire to chop wood .
25 She was horrified ; not only because she could see how Beth had thoroughly exhausted herself , but because she had been taken on two weeks ago by Mr Miller , who had told her categorically , ‘ I do n't want Mrs Miller tackling any of the heavier domestic tasks , you understand ?
26 When she criticizes the inconstancy of women , it is not because she is overwhelmed by Pope 's influence , but because she has been , if not betrayed , at least disappointed in her friendships with other women .
27 Often this is because the materials are not available , whether because they have been destroyed or not yet revealed .
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