Example sentences of "[conj] er [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then you can forget it and the next time you come to do it , maybe in a month 's time or er you 've I remember now , the water pipes , do n't give it resistance , think of conductance , think of one over , think of conductance .
2 I 'll just make sure that er we get them .
3 a matter will be er that we going to fight er , easily er so I mean i , it meant that the er , that er er some more should be brought out so that it er does er adhere to what er these er er government departments er expect as a response rather than er er as this considered issue raising er , we can er facilitate that er quite er easily but er I think er the the main point is what Hugh has said , that er we opposed it because it 's not going to help in my view it 's not going to help er the patients , the patients are not going to come off any better as a result of er , these er er what I would say and I feel and er the , I I I 'd like to know what er the GP 's think about cos GP 's usually erm er , advise their patients if they have to wait a long time from one hospital , they would advise them to go into London and er , if that 's been stopped as been er that 's been stated erm then erm , er the GP 's are not going to feel very happy about their patients er , getting er erm a lesser service .
4 I 'm just thinking now that er we changed lots of things , the heads and things of that nature so it was If it 's just producing the same cage
5 And if there 's no work and if there 's no means by which people can get themselves you know those sorts of basic things but you know I 'm not gon na si I I could n't say that the whole structure is going to ch change becau but I think erm I hope anyway and I do believe really that er I mean I hope that we 're going to stay together as a support group in some sort of form and Yes and there 's no way that we 're not going to support other causes in the way that we 've been supported .
6 While you 're looking through that er I mean I mean I 'm gon na ask some questions but there 's a chance to have a look through Oh spent a bit of time er in the sunshine aye ?
7 Oh well er what I was going to say is that er I thought I 'd summed the person up that he 'd selected and I , I thought oh she i er it 's not gon na be easy for him , and it was n't , you know , she was a bit of a bit of a so and so I think really .
8 That says that er I know what I 'm doing , because I 'm positive , erm , I know where I 'm going to , and as a consequence I can plan for that .
9 Oh , I 'd say it is w wrong anyway in that er I say it 's the it 's early er on it in the report Good defines what he determines a trustees duty and as I said to a sort of effectively ought enter into a tr transaction which immediately cost effecting kind of money rather than making money for the pension fund then it is against that duty in the first place , but it 's to it should however be ma made explicit that it is against that duty saying stock lending may be okay for a pension fund , but not stock lending where the er pension fund is acting as the borrower rather than the lender .
10 And again that 's looking at the same time in nineteen seventy se seventy seven , seventy eight time , it 's looking back into that er er driveway , and if you can remember the sort of the Victorian or Edwardian er photograph that er I showed you before , of er virtually that er that view .
11 that er I understand they are going to go along .
12 And it gave lots and lots of work to our colleagues and you know , when , when I say that er I think I made a comment that at that time , er had made the , the , the comment about er the winds of change and that er you know we were never better off , well really the unemployment figures were so low at that time that it 's to my mind you know , a truism .
13 Erm you can come back to it at the end if you 've done everything else , but there 's something about these that er I think you 're one .
14 Erm Peter , North Yorkshire , I think it 's appropriately addressed there and I think there are so many elements of it that er I think you w you would end up with perhaps a very long explanatory section .
15 Erm , when she imagines that er I think you pronounce it a Gytrash ?
16 Well this i this i I feel that er I think your weekend fees are always dearer than your week
17 And that er he rides his ponies .
18 And we had expected rather a slump after Christmas that has n't happened really so that er you know we 're just so busy I mean one thing to the next really .
19 And er but very definitely now I think we 've got the self confidence that er you know we very much and er we feel established enough that everybody can bring their banners and it 's gon na be a good day .
20 I 've got on the tape here a song which is by Manny Fryer he used to sing in Steel Ice Band er now I know that that 's sort of very old hat , I 'm sorry , but I sort of live in the past and er this er I I believe also that these days so that er you know I can sort of justify that but this is a song that er she has sung which er reminds us that each of us has the potential to commit the crime I 'll try not to play it fast forward , let's see how we go .
21 Well that 's another reason I 'm sat here is the fact that er you know you 've actually doubled it .
22 We were told , because of the shortage of paper , we were told only to use secondhand papers er paper that had already been used for letters or memos when writing to the Clerks ' Department and erm we erm used to get the grubbiest paper that we could and then you had to condense it and type it erm without too much space and erm that went over to the Clerks ' Department , then erm when it got over th oh sorry you had to trim off the edges erm so that there was no spare paper left around the memo so that er you know there was just this little bit of paper with the
23 You had to watch but if people came to your door in a in a state that er you knew it was a genuine case , you would probably help them out you know .
24 She did n't even tell her that er you told me earlier
25 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
26 I thought she 'd dried it , and she said , oh , I 'm just gon na put this washing on radiators , and then it , it were then that er it made me think , well , what done with her dryer .
27 I would say that the five advantages of our alternative draft is that er it makes it clear that the policy applies to land outside the national parks and so forth but with less repetition than the proposal put forward by the county council .
28 But he was very sick so er they wanted somebody to stay with him overnight at any rate so I , he was n't sleeping , and I , he said what , I said to him , what do you think made you sick ?
29 The battledress was very good , I mean the army seemed to wore it all that time so er we had it for several years and we had to press that every day , thick material , very heavy .
30 just to make my day just to make my day yeah well , I was n't sure what those you see , hang on a minute mum so er she said she 'll either get the twelve or the one so I went down to see if she was on the twelve o'clock bus , and she was n't so I thought well I 'll try again
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